Laara Williamsen visit to OZU Cultural Centre

Not too long ago we had the privilege of inviting Laara Williamsen to our VIP Creative Lounge for an exclusive interview.

Today we are catching up with her to see what she has been doing since.., She has just got back from her trip to the OZU Cultural Centre in Italy also to have the opportunity to preview some of her exciting work that she completed during her stay. 

LAARA head shot may 8

I am happy to share my experience of Ozu Cultural Centre in Italy with all who may be interested!

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi • Five Elements Constitute the Universe., Earth., Sky, Wind, Fire & Water. They are magical & mystical Powers; we derive our numerous energy from them; as they constitute the Life; The paintings bring closer to the pulsating Truth of our existence.Ozu Cultural center is doing fundamental studies at Vancouver, Canada. Keep us informed. Liked your work.

Artist: Laara Williamsen Title: Element 7 AIR Size: 18" x 36"

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi • Further to my above comment; I read Lara’s Interview with Sunil; and found International Professional Artist Lara talking about Quieting the mind while answering to someone’s question.
Quieting The Mind -Meditation Incognito:
Laara WilliamSen • Canada – Selina! What a perfect question as I believe this to be one of my biggest challenges! How I keep my channel open to creativity is – I do meditation! Absolutely and over the years, this has become easier to access. When I get quiet on my floor pillow….

I truly quiet my breathing, let my thoughts slide away, relax all of my body. This was not easy to begin with and even many years ago in the 1980′s I remember being quite upset as one of my tenants renting a room at home had a seizure.
While caring for her and getting the ambulance I moved into a state of emergency. Once she was off to the hospital, I went to my studio and found that it took me four hours!!!! to reach the quiet place. However then I did do a big 4 x 5 painting in a few hours. I also believe that the ritual of setting out my materials in the studio is very important. I do this slowly and with care appreciating what I have to work with.

This is done just before I sit on my floor pillow. Also to live in our society….I do not watch the television news…ever. I prefer to get my news from groups such as GreenPeach, Avaaz, and other on-line sources. I find this news more honest and less sensational!!! There is more dignity for human beings.
continue to practice “the gentle path” as much as I can daily being aware of my actions and attitudes. And what others may need or not need from me! I am sure Heather that this answer is rather too lengthy but I wanted to share with you as much as possible about your question.

I hope that this is helpful and I wish you all the best on your creative path!

Artist: Laara Williamsen Title: Element 11 AIR Size: 18" x 36"

Artist: Laara Williamsen
Title: Element 11 AIR
Size: 18″ x 36″

Sunil Vilas

Sunil Vilas • Hello Laara, lovely to have you back, How are you?
How was your trip to Italy?
Do tell us all about your trip.., Were there other International artists that join you?
When is your next event can anyone join you? How can their apply
I see that you completed a series of paintings do talk about them too and also let me have the images so that I could update our imterview

Big Hug & Kisses

antonino Gambino

antonino Gambino • Laara mi sono collegato al sito. Ho visto che la tua permanenza in Italia ti ha elettrizzato, hai prodotto molti lavori, hai gustato la buona cucina e mi auguro del buon vino rosso, hai conosciuto della bella gente. Le opere che più di tutte ho apprezzato sono “Fire(1), e Water(2)”. Water, ti dà la sensazione di sentire la freschezza dell’acqua che sgorga dalla sorgente e la voglia di bere. Guarda in poche pennellate di acrilico cosa sei riuscita a fare, non aggiungo altro perchè non stà a me giudicare ma farti sapere le mie emozioni si. Mi auguro di poterti incontrare la prossima primavera, ciao Antonino.

Didier Dubuy

Didier Dubuy • The whole serie is outstanding; We do fell all the inner power from the elements

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen • To Antonio Gambino!
Grazie mille per il vostro apprezzamento della mia pittura “Fuoco” e “Acqua” Questo significa molto per me! Io sarò al centro culturale Ozu per il mese di aprile 2014, e spero di incontrare anche te! Siete i benvenuti a visitare in qualsiasi momento e partecipare alla festa – open studio alla fine di aprile 2014. Vi auguro tanta felicità e successo in tutto quello che fate! Ciao!

Artist: Laara Williamsen Title: Element 10 EARTH Size: 18" x 36"

Artist: Laara Williamsen
Title: Element 10 EARTH
Size: 18″ x 36″

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen • To Ranjan Munshi – Thank you so much for your in depth comments and I really appreciate that you acknowledged the meditation so much! I believe it is true that when I am truly in my creative process, a power greater than myself moves through me and helps my hands to work! I had not so much urging to do the complete five elements while staying and painting in Italy. In fact, I would go to dinner and laugh and tell the others gathered there, whoops, I tried to do air again and missed. I just can’t paint air right now!
So I remained content to paint Earth Fire and Water! Ozu Cultural Centre is near Monteleone, in the province of Sabina, near Rome, in Italy. The paintings were all created there. Ozu is a wonderful cultural centre, very large and very friendly! I hope others will be able to come and join me next April, 2014!

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen • To Dider Dubuy! Thank you so much for your positive comment about my art works. I really appreciate your opinion. Wishing you all the best!

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen • Dear Sunil! Thank you for your questions and invitation to have the new art works posted. First of all, yes there were other artists attending at the time I was there. Kanwal Zafar is a young woman, an artist of much talent that I had met on Linked in and I assisted her to join the international exhibitions in Portugal.

We have been friends for over 2 years without meeting, so I invited her to come to Ozu and it was so delightful to meet her in person and spend precious time with her in the Studio! Also Lucia, was from the USA and her work was also fascinating and her personality full of fun! I enjoyed meeting the resident sculptor, Giacomo, and learned much from our inspiring conversations. Enrico as well as being the resident chef, is a film maker and teacher and his wife, Paola is the coordinator.

They have a son 6 years old, Ettore and the company of Enrico, Paola and Ettore felt very much like a second family!
My next scheduled event is here in B.C. – a solo exhibition at Good Day Sunshine cafe – gallery in November 2013. My next trip to Ozu is for the month of April 2014 and anyone can join me there or attend at other times if they wish to. In April, at Ozu it is a good time for artists to attend because there are no courses running. Information can be provided by Paola the coordinator by emailing her at Ozu Culturalcentre <>

Artist: Laara Williamsen Title: Element 17 WATER Size: 24" x 36"

Artist: Laara Williamsen
Title: Element 17 WATER
Size: 24″ x 36″

I will definitely forward you by email attachments the series of paintings I did in Italy and thank you so much for requesting this! In all my trip to Italy was totally inspiring and at the same time very restful. I painted on the mountain top, napped, sat in the sunshine, enjoyed good company, ate delicious food and painted, painted, painted! Oh and I even have two students in Italy who wish to work with me next year! What a bonus! Thanks and wishing you much happiness, Sunil!

Artist: Laara Williamsen Title: Element 9 WATER Size: 24" x 36"

Artist: Laara Williamsen
Title: Element 9 WATER
Size: 24″ x 36″

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi • Lara
Five Elements are Fundamental that created this Universe; what we see them separately is our perspective or different manifestations; the Source is ONE; Think of these Manifestations in action; creating; changing; transforming and recreating; including destroying; perhaps more Light will come to you to know Five Elements.; may be your Meditation helps..

Laara WilliamSen 

Laara WilliamSen • Yes, Ranjan I definitely agree with what you are saying. I did these paintings by preparing and finding a calm meditative state and then I painted. I did 20 within one week, about three per day. I think given more time, I may have found the Air and Sky!! I also wish to incorporate more direct lighting in my next works as I view this series objectively!

I think too that the creative process and meditation may possibly open me up to a power greater than myself. I loose track of time. I experience a very different, clear energy flowing within me and I seem to be a bit “out of body” as I easily bump into furniture if it is near me. I love how you put the Source is ONE as I believe strongly that we all belong to each other. We breath the same air, we are like one heartbeat!

Also appreciate the Action; creating, changing, transforming, recreating, destroying and the Elements can also represent all of these actions as well as our creative process! It is a pleasure to share with you. Thanks so much for your comments.

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi • Lara
Thanks; possibly we are delving deep into the realm of creativity and Physics; The Elements & the Matter as differentiated from Life have unknown connections; these elements we experience in many ways but we ignore ; as an artist you could catch in your creative; meditative state, the new dimensions of these elements; as you rightly said; Sky and The Wind ( Air ); one has no boundaries; only Expanse ; the other has Direction; changing ; the circular; the longitudinal and so on; as an artist many shapes emerged when you go beyond threshold; only when you are one with elements and your self.

There are useful links on TM and others ; if interested I can send you; I practice TM since 1982 and have found myself greatly rewarded.

Artist: Laara Williamsen Title: Element 4 WATER Size: 18" x 36"

Artist: Laara Williamsen
Title: Element 4 WATER
Size: 18″ x 36″

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi • In continuation; use large canvas; with more space; the way in space expands and paintings emerge; a new experience.

Artist: Laara Williamsen Title: Element 9 WATER Size: 24" x 36"

Artist: Laara Williamsen
Title: Element 9 WATER
Size: 24″ x 36″

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen • Thank you Ranjan. I would enjoy exploring the links on TM and others! I have delved into and studied many spiritual paths and I am always open to new discoveries! I really like the way you express your thoughts and I am learning from your comments! It is rather hard to explain….well, I feel enriched by the way you express yourself.

I have also always been interested in Physics but I have never studied this formally. When my son was 3 years old I used to read him Physics magazines instead of bedtime stories. He and I enjoyed that! Thanks for your comments! And best wishes!

antonino Gambino

Antonino Gambino • Ciao Laara, non devi ringraziarmi, devi ringraziare Te stessa, Tu hai realizzato le opere. Volevo chiederti, in questo Ranjan mi ha anticipato, perchè non dipingere su tele più grandi per dare più respiro, più anima alla tua creatività. Sei sola, seduta lì sulla cima della montagna, chiudi gli occhi e lascia che la mente trasformi gli odori, i profumi e i suoni del vento, la freschezza e pungente aria del mattino, in macchie di colore e guidando la mano tracci sulla tela gli odori, i profumi del vento, la freschezza e pungente aria del mattino, senza aver timore di non aver spazio, la tela è grande quanto il tuo pensiero. Per un astratto la dimensione è una limitazione, deve andare oltre. Voi che potete, a differenza del mio lavoro, fatelo, lasciatevi andare e trasportare dai sensi che sono cinque come gli elementi. Scusa se ho osato dire, ma mi sono lasciato trasportare. Saluti da Antonino

Herminia Haro

Herminia Haro • Beautiful work Laara, you are a great artist and an inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

Artist: Laara Williamsen Title: Element 2 FIRE Size: 18" x 36"

Artist: Laara Williamsen
Title: Element 2 FIRE
Size: 18″ x 36″

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen  • Buongiorno Antonino

Grazie mille per i vostri commenti e sono importanti per me! Sì, ho limitato la dimensione delle mie tele di inserirsi in valigia arrotolato in modo da poter portare a casa del piano! Forse in aprile 2014, posso andare più grande e trovare un posto in Italia per poter installare il dipinto. Voglio offrire un evento di beneficenza in cui il 50 per cento viene devoluto in beneficenza di una persona di loro scelta. Ma sì, lavoro più grande è il mio sogno. Ho creato tele più grandi – molti di loro quando ero a Emily Carr University of Art and Design e quando ho avuto un grande studio. 15 piedi lungo alcuni di loro e anche 6 metri di altezza! Il monolocale a Ozu Centro Culturale è perfetto per questo … ma ho bisogno di prendere in considerazione come muoversi in un secondo momento! Si prega di perdonare il mio povero traduzione e fraseggio italiano! Sto usando traduttore di Google. E ‘molto bello sentire da voi e mi ricordo le tue opere d’arte! Funziona davvero eccezionali di arte! Migliori auguri a voi e spero di vederti in Aprile 2014!

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen • Thank you so much for your kind comment about my paintings, Herminia! As well, I do admire your fabulous creations! Very well done! Best wishes!

Artist: Laara Williamsen Title: Element 13 EARTH Size: 24" x 36"

Artist: Laara Williamsen
Title: Element 13 EARTH
Size: 24″ x 36″

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen • Hello Ranjan! I confess that I calculated the size of the canvasses to be rolled up and fitted into my suitcase for traveling home! This is an inspiring thought to go larger! I have done quite large canvasses before when the studio was large 15 feet and up to 6 feet high.

The studio at Ozu is perfect for this. I just have to figure out where I can instal the canvas afterwards. I have a little idea about doing a charity 50% and maybe this will come to fruition by next April or perhaps I will find a gallery or museum that would be interested. Who knows but larger is definitely the next step! Thanks again so much for your insight!

Very best wishes!

Peter Filzmaier

Peter Filzmaier • These wonderful moving expressions from your trip – each one a meditation of intuitively inspired color and form have touched my creative aspirations. There is much to glean from these wonderful works. Beyond their general appeal, they are the works of an artist for artists. I wish you continued success and it’s good to have you back.

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen • Hello Peter. Wow! Thanks so much. I do appreciate the comment you have made, especially because you are in the arts too! This is such a wonderful experience to be sharing and receiving such interesting and positive feedback from all of the members who are also artists!

Your thoughts are valuable to me Peter and thank you to everyone for the feedback!

Very best wishes!

antonino Gambino

Antonino Gambino • Ciao Laara, il traduttore di Google, funziona perfettamente, il commento è chiaro. Prossimamente avremo il piacere di vedere delle tue opere di grande quadratura, meraviglioso. Saluti e prosperosa creatività da Antonino.

Artist: Laara Williamsen Title: Element 4 WATER Size: 18" x 36"

Artist: Laara Williamsen
Title: Element 4 WATER
Size: 18″ x 36″

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen • Ciao Giannovani
Sono felice che il traduttore di Google funziona! E grazie ancora per la vostra fiducia nel mio processo creativo! Non vedo l’ora di incontrarvi di persona in Aprile 2014! Voglio anche vedere alcune delle tue opere d’arte favolose e avrà più tempo per viaggiare da Ozu (vicino a Roma) di prendere gite di un giorno! Migliori auguri a voi! Ciao

Hayat Gul

Hayat Gul • Thanks for sharing! Sounds beautiful and love your paintings!

Laara WilliamSen

Laara WilliamSen • Hello Hayat Thank you for your very kind appreciation of my paintings! Very best wishes!!

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Our latest collection in – YOU TUBE VIDEO PRODUCTION JULY 2013

Celebrating LAARA WILLIAMSEN’S COLLECTION – Be the first to add your comments and views



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ALL material on this website is protected copyrights reserved by Globalization ICAS  / Founder Sunil Vilas

ICAS – VILAS FINE ART  8-10 Leys Avenue, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3EU England United Kingdom


3 Comments on “Laara Williamsen visit to OZU Cultural Centre”

  1. Hello Sunil! Thank you sooo much for this article. It is perfect timing and I am honored to be a guest in the Globalization ICAS interview room once again! Also thanks for the mention that the originals are for sale! I really appreciate your support and being a member of Globalization ICAS! Sending you and the world much Love and Light!

  2. Hello Laara,
    I have pondered, visually consumed and meditated over your OZU collection and find your have reflected the creative power, the equilibrium and the beauty that is the natural world and you have captured the glory and rhythm through the movement and colors of your compositions. Your love and understanding of nature as your inspiration tells me that your work out doors in a natural setting is a most contemplative, inspiring experience.

  3. Hello Peter! Thank you for taking the time to ponder and meditate about my art works! I am so grateful to be able to share this art work with you and the other members of Globalization ICAS. Your comment has deeply moved me and I appreciate your intuitive “on the mark” feedback!

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