Art of Imagination – Albert Einstein

albert-einstein imagination

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire World, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution”..

We are delighted to introduce another  great thinker in our creative lounge, and study his influence in Art as our topic of discussion, Albert Einstein..,


antonino Gambino      

antonino Gambino

Direttore Amm.vo presso Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, ma principalmente “ARTISTA”

Il confronto così non regge, cercherò una mia foto e la pubblicherò, buon fine settimana


Sunil Vilas


Antonino  you could start of with an opening statement honouring your hero and friend Albert who had inspired you in your life

antonino Gambino                       

antonino Gambino

Direttore Amm.vo presso Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, ma principalmente “ARTISTA”

posso migliorare

Terrence P. Fedde                       

Terrence P. Fedde

Sculptor – Owner, Fedde Sculpture Services LLC

Antonino –  You are a funny man – just like the one your are being compared to!!!

Peter Filzmaier                       

Peter Filzmaier

Artist at Filzmaier Studio

This is an interesting point for discussion. I see imagination as the impetus to invention but also see imagination and knowledge as a symbiotic relationship where turning imagination into reality is dependent on knowledge. For example, I’m sure humans dreamed or imagined flying like birds thousands of years ago but the reality of human flight occurred through acquired knowledge. Much of Einstein’s work was based on theory requiring the knowledge of prior proven laws to conduct the experimentation to make his theories credible. Yes imagination does stimulate progress but without knowledge can evolution occur?
If our evolution as artists was only based on imagination would we be producing works in such a variety of mediums and techniques? The need to create is the driving force in evolution. Imagination is the catalyst and knowledge the DNA.

Terrence P. Fedde                       

Terrence P. Fedde

Sculptor – Owner, Fedde Sculpture Services LLC

Leonardo was an Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, botanist, and writer.  However, Leonardo was not autodidactic in his study of the arts, as he was trained through the Guild system, just as other Renaissance artists had been.  Although in one biography I have read on Leonardo, it did mention that he was an autodidactic reader from an age he could first clasp a book. The field of psychology and visual art share several areas of investigative interest.  One of these is visual perception.  Within this field, this investigation of opstraction has explored the concept of Gestalt.  From prehistoric to modern times, civilizations have employed repletion and patterns as if to convey a secret language, mathematics or meaning within visual perception.  When investigating the microscopic world, the rituals of patterning reflect the hidden mathematic complexities of diamonds, DNA, cellular structures, and fractal geometry to name just a few of the many examples of patterns nature has to offer towards the concept of Gestalt. Patterning and repetition has also had a symbolic relationship with color and color theories.  Tapestries, fabrics and even the natural world flora all exhibit a distinct patterned rhythm associated with visual display and colorful representation.  Art is a visual language and an ideal vehicle for encompassing these reference points, while exhibiting similar concepts in pattern, color, repletion, abstraction and mathematics.


Sunil Vilas


Good Morning to you all hope your weekend has also started off with a big bang expecting to cover more exciting creative projects during the weekend!!.., Here in the UK the morning light through the early hours of 5am was so clear and bright with fresh smell of the air after the rains meant getting ready for the day and I believe we expecting good fair weather for the whole weekend..,   It would be lovely to hear from you?..,
Hello to Antonino hope you did not mine me putting you in this weekend topic of discussion adding little humour to start our weekend
Hello to both Peter and Terrence thank you for your opening comments to our topic.., we should use our weekend to set the level of activities that should continue through the week. Therefore I am delighted to add another great thinker Albert Einstein to our creative lounge. Very interesting point here imagination vs knowledge, this is one of Albert Einstein famous quote that we want to cover a topic of discussion in the interest of Art. We are looking for different points of views and opinions? Did his theory influence you in your Art?

Peter Filzmaier                       

Peter Filzmaier

Artist at Filzmaier Studio

We have all experienced the physical effect of the relationship of movement between two objects in particular with regard to our perception and physiological effect resulting from an experience of sitting at a traffic light, stationary while traffic in an adjacent lane moves forward giving us the perception, that even though we are stationary we sense ourselves moving in the opposite direction.. I cite this as an example that sparked Einstein’s thoughts on relativity. It is Einstein’s ability to contrive and conceive a theory based on such an experience, an experience commonly experienced, that intrigues me as an artist.
I have not achieved such an insight and perhaps never will but it will always be part of my quest in evolving my work.

antonino Gambino                       

antonino Gambino

Direttore Amm.vo presso Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, ma principalmente “ARTISTA”

Buon pomeriggio ,ragazzi, qui in Italia sono le ore 2,30 p.m., Albert sapete cosa ha fatto stamattina? Invece di risolvere formule matematiche, rebus e sperimentare, è sceso in giardino a potare gli alberi di ulivo. Una bella giornata all’aria aperta, in mezzo alla natura, poi ha raccolto un pò di limoni, arance e mandarini, ed ora eccomi qua. Terrence, grazie per il divertente, ma accidenti vedo che il mio Albert vi ha stimolato pensieri profondi e che il Peter filosofico subitoto si è messo in moto. Ma con stupore vedo anche che Tu Terrence sei molto preparato nell’argomento, quindi i miei ragazzi hanno studiato e si preparano l’argomento per la prossima settimana. Io mi lito a dire, che come Albert ho prima studiato, i legni, le lora caratteristiche, poi il tipo di verniciatura e coloritura. Ho studiato il disegno, principalmente quello geometrico, eè ed è stata la mia passione fin da piccolo, quindi ho applicato la teoria alla pratica. Non vi nascondo che in tutto questo devo aggiungere una dose di casualità e fortuna. Nella tecnica non ho nulla da migliorare forse nei soggetti, e nonho intenzione di cambiare tecnica, sono nato per fare l’intarsio, lavorare il legno. Sono scultore e intagliatore del legno, attività che di rado faccio perchè non ho tempo. Scusate ma adesso vi lascio, ho il tempo di farmi una doccia, vestirmi e poi andare al teatro a vedermi una commedia “Il cappello a sonagli”. Ragazzi Albert vi lascia, vi augura buona serata e a risentirci a domani

Edgar Plaute                       

Edgar Plaute

Seniors Maschinenbauingenieur, fine art craftsman “Der Andere Linolschnitt” linocuts multi-colored, spatula stone&tiles

ich möchte mich wieder in eigener Sache melden … die Übersetzungen von Google sind sehr schlecht … leider in jeder Sprache … sehr oft ist der Sinn unverständlich … ich habe daher erneut eine Bitte an alle … bitte schreibt kurze, einfache Sätze … keine langen Sätze, keine Schachtelsätze, keine schönen Sätze … Pablo hat das bereits vor längerer Zeit mehrmals vorgeschlagen …
I would like to log in again into our own thing … the translations from Google are very bad … in any language … very often is the meaning not understandable … I therefore again an appeal to all … please write a short, simple sentences … no long sentences, no box sets, not beautiful sentences … Pablo has proposed some time ago several times … thanks to all …

Terrence P. Fedde                       

Terrence P. Fedde

Sculptor – Owner, Fedde Sculpture Services LLC

Not a problem Edgar.

Edgar Plaute                       

Edgar Plaute

Seniors Maschinenbauingenieur, fine art craftsman “Der Andere Linolschnitt” linocuts multi-colored, spatula stone&tiles

… zum Thema passt der Refrain eines altes Studentenliedes … ” … selbst im finstersten Kerker, deine Gedanken sind frei” …
… on the topic fits the chorus of an old students song …  “… even in the darkest dungeon, your thoughts are free” …

antonino Gambino                       

antonino Gambino

Direttore Amm.vo presso Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, ma principalmente “ARTISTA”

Exact Edgar, man will never put under lock and key thoughts of another being. Flying, thoughts have wings, go beyond the countries, Nations, continents, are free to go where they want.

Mary Jane Miller                       

Mary Jane Miller

Experienced Iconographer,  Project for Interfaith Dialogue and Meditation

Be a creative project Inspire yourself and others to step lightly on this beautiful planet of ours and strive to be always the custodian and never the conqueror. Wake-up to the full glory and beauty housed in every moment, “IT” is happening in our body, mind and spirit. No right or wrong, good, better, best, because breathing knows no judgment. Enjoy the ride.


Sunil Vilas


We want to as an organisation continue our search for as many answers to all the questions that arises in our creative lounge.., This is our opportunity to collectively explore and enjoying the experiences of testing Einstein’s theory Imagination vs Knowledge..,
The art imagination allows you to be whoever you want, when ever you want, and where ever you want to be in this world if you can imagine it you can achieve it through art! You can sing it in song, write it in a story or poem, you can draw it, you can paint it, or even sculpt it through clay! Through imagination the world is literally at your fingertips! Thus, imagination makes possible all our thinking about what is, what has been, and, perhaps most important, what might be..,

Peter Filzmaier                       

Peter Filzmaier

Artist at Filzmaier Studio

Hello Sunil, I whole heartedly agree with what you say. It all begins with imagination and would like to add that quite possibly a little optimism feeds the process. I would also add that having imagined the concept, knowledge would play an important role in the creation of the piece. If my role was in academia I could live and teach through my imaginings and achieve notable concepts but being an artist practitioner my imaginings need to take form reflecting technical skill in execution.

antonino Gambino                       

antonino Gambino

Direttore Amm.vo presso Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, ma principalmente “ARTISTA”

Fantasy, imagination are the basis of creating an artwork, I would even say the instinct. Actually I think he got the idea, the artist must do the sketch and accomplish the work. The work must be finished, must leave the visitor with his fantasy and imagination to define the work, the visitor as active part of an exhibition and not passive. For example, in my last job at the beginning I followed this concept/instinct and everything worked fine, then I tried to process the sketch but this way I have distorted the work and then I stopped waiting for a brilliant idea. I think that our work should not follow an elaborate project but a simple sketch, in order to keep that freshness, simplicity and complicity that involve our audience. I hope I was clear, thank you

Peter Filzmaier                       

Peter Filzmaier

Artist at Filzmaier Studio

Yes, Antonio, you present the creative process familiar to artists and illustrate the importance of freshness and simplicity and nothing is more evident when the freshness and simplicity is lost in a work. This freshness and simplicity is most evident in the art of children  as they are most imaginative. To maintain a child like imaginative thought process as we learn to perfect our skill in material application would be ideal  in our evolution as artists. To discard knowledge and put all emphasis on imagination would be to throw the baby out with the bath water. Imagine what our history would look like if learning was no a prerequisite to creating. Would we see the same great works of the  masters or would art have evolved on a purely intellectual, conceptual  path leaving us with a collection of imaginative experiences shared in the moment with no concrete material creations because learning / knowledge was ignored in the creative process.

antonino Gambino                       

antonino Gambino

Direttore Amm.vo presso Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, ma principalmente “ARTISTA”

Yes Peter, is for not to forget the child inside me that I chose to run my works with the technique of inlay. In fact, I have no reference points to imitate, this allows me to draw simple and spontaneous form, two important requirements for my work

Edgar Plaute                       

Edgar Plaute

Seniors Maschinenbauingenieur, fine art craftsman “Der Andere Linolschnitt” linocuts multi-colored, spatula stone&tiles

Hallo Peter … Bing translates your ame follows
Peter Visscher, Künstler bei Visscher Studio
did you know that?
Servus aus Hallein Edgar

Peter Filzmaier                       

Peter Filzmaier

Artist at Filzmaier Studio

Edgar, That’s not so bad. It would put me in the British Museum as a 17th century Dutch artist. Humor aside, This is why we need to communicate beyond translations.

Edgar Plaute                       

Edgar Plaute

Seniors Maschinenbauingenieur, fine art craftsman “Der Andere Linolschnitt” linocuts multi-colored, spatula stone&tiles

Hallo Odd Balls and other Sweeties …
… did you read the following sentence in the headline? …
“We would like to introduce a great thinker in our creative lounge, and study his influence in Art as our topic of discussion.”
I hope there is not thought on Google or Berlusconi or Tea-Party or Oracle of Delphi … not very bad but much better ideas are there called … I’ll try that with favorites of me eg Gerhart Hauptmann, Hermann Hesse, Maria Ebner-Eschenbach, Mother Teresa
Hauptmann: Sobald jemand in einer Sache Meister geworden ist, sollte er in einer neuen Sache Schüler werden. Hesse: Am Ende einer Sackgasse finden sich die meisten Kneipen. Ebner-E.: Wirklich gute Freunde sind Menschen, die uns ganz genau kennen, und trotzdem zu uns halten. Teresa: Das Leben ist eine Chance – nutze sie.
Google: Hier können Sie Ihr Zitat hochladen >> Berlusconi: Ich bin in der Politik, damit das Gute das Böse besiegt. Tea-Party: Besser als die Tea-Party-Bande ist wichtiger als die Schläge, die tut. Arlen Specter Orakel: Ich werde dir nicht antworten. Verlass den Tempel.
Unsere Fantasie wird daraus die tollsten Bilder produzieren! Übrigens: Darf sich jeder von uns seinen persönlichen Privat-Denker zulegen wie einen Privat-Heiligen?
in my English:
Hauptmann: Once someone has become a thing Master, he should be students in a new item. Hesse: At the end of a cul de sac you will find most pubs. Ebner- E: . Truly great friends are people who know us very well , and still keep us . Teresa : Life is an opportunity – use it .
Google: Here you can upload your file >> Berlusconi: I’m in politics, so that good conquers evil. Tea-Party: Beating the tea party gang is more important than who does the beating. Arlen Specter (Google-translater) Oracle: I will not answer you. Leave the temple.
Our imagination is it produce the most amazing pictures! By the way: If may each of us his personal private thinker define as the private Saints?
“I’m a linocut – and you?”
Come on and do more than just talk!
Servus from Hallein and his salt Edgar

Ruth Edward Anderson                       

Ruth Edward Anderson

Owner of  REArt   (Ruth Edward Anderson Art)

I’m enjoying this entire conversation and everything that’s been written has merit.  Yes, knowledge is important to the creative urge in order to make a sculpture move, to weld, etc.  Knowledge about the quality of materials is important.  Knowledge about the world past & present is necessary to dream of an imaginary world.  Looking, understanding what’s going on in the current world could spark a creative moment.  I think that knowledge & imagination are always coming together to dance for a while then drifting off to gather their inspiration.

antonino Gambino                       

antonino Gambino

Direttore Amm.vo presso Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, ma principalmente “ARTISTA”

Edgar, you forgot to mention a great thinker the brother of Albert, which says: If you believe inte, anything is possible.

Terrence P. Fedde                       

Terrence P. Fedde

Sculptor – Owner, Fedde Sculpture Services LLC

“From the standpoint of daily LIFE , there is one thing we do know: that we are here for the sake of each other – above all for those upon whose smile and well-being our own happiness depends, and also for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy.  Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner life is built upon the labors or my fellow men, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received.” Albert Einstein

Edgar Plaute                       

Edgar Plaute

Seniors Maschinenbauingenieur, fine art craftsman “Der Andere Linolschnitt” linocuts multi-colored, spatula stone&tiles

Antonino you confuse me … who was the brother of Albert? … in the rest, I am fully agree with you … my life motto is even “… you get what you believe …”
Terrence … Einstein had very intense sweat feet and never wore closed shoes only open sandals … also publicly … that has disturbed many of his fellow man … therefore they smiled not always …

Edgar Plaute                     

Edgar Plaute

Seniors Maschinenbauingenieur, fine art craftsman “Der Andere Linolschnitt” linocuts multi-colored, spatula stone&tiles

Antonino you confuse me … who was the brother of Albert? … in the rest, I am fully agree with you … my life motto is even “… you get what you believe …”
Terrence … Einstein had very intense sweat feet and never wore closed shoes only open sandals … also publicly … that has disturbed many of his fellow man … therefore they smiled not always …
Servus aus Österreich Edgar

antonino Gambino                       

antonino Gambino

Direttore Amm.vo presso Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, ma principalmente “ARTISTA”

Terrence, this isn’t a problem for me. I live a quiet life, there is a lot of people worse off than me, there is so many people better than me. This is nature’s law, I do not feel guilty. You know why, because when I can I always try to help others and I’m not expecting anything in return. For this I live my life peacefully is within me that out of me

antonino Gambino 

antonino Gambino

Direttore Amm.vo presso Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, ma principalmente “ARTISTA”

But who is the brother of Albert, it’s me, Edgar


Sunil Vilas


Good morning to you all mid week on a Wednesday morning here in UK temperatures drop, morning started with rain and still continues to be drizzling..,  hope to see some sign of sun during the day..,
Thank you Terrence for reciting words of Albert Einstein in our creative lounge, I am proud to say here at Globalization ICAS we have the living proof  of his virtues.., What are your thoughts?
Let us continue along the path and have more discussions on the topic of the week – Art of Imagination.., Imagination vs Knowledge..,

Terrence P. Fedde 

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