How to increase our creativity?

Globalization icas logo      Sunil Vilas

   MEDITATION LOUNGE  –  How to increase our creativity?

How to increase creativity2

I would like to share with you one of the practise’s that I started 36 years ago to enhance my daily life . Here is David Lynch ‘s explanations using meditation to increase creativity.

Our direction here is to pick up on science research that show that human being to be top of all living species, yet we go through our full life cycle only using maximum of 15% to 20% of our brain capacity and the rest remain domain.

Therefore our question in the meditation lounge is how do we increase our creativity and to discuss different techniques that  members practice and personally and share the benefited with practical experiences with rest of our GICAS members.

We  open the platform to discussion and share methods / techniques  that are use to increase creativity!!!


 click our link below

David Lynch meditates, and he meditates hard.

Herminia Haro

Herminia Haro

Thank you so much for posting this Sunil!

Sunil Vilas

Herminia welcome to our creative lounge on a fine lovely Sunday evening here in the UK.

Hope all is well with you and the family.

I have been waiting for the best opportunity to introduce this exciting, utopia experience of meditation. I have previously mention in my conversation the topic of meditation but now believe each member should incorporate this simple practise in your daily life to enhance the mind and increase the level of creativity consciousness.

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi •

I am a practitioner of TM since 1982; duly initiated by Holy Maharshi Mahesh Yogi Direct Disciple and Trainer at New Delhi;; It is wonderful; highly Peace Giving; Creative; Problem Solving and Quietness that you experience; I strongly recommend my friends to be highly Creative and Proactive through Management Of Consciousness’ ;reaching Unified Field Of Consciousness through Practice of TM; twice a Day; 20 minutes; more or less fixed time; in your prefered place ; relaxing; not in any Yogic Posture; closing eyes and going Deep; Within.
I will welcome any query from my friends; if that is allowed by your group.

Herminia Haro

Herminia Haro

All is well with the family Sunil thanks. I think meditation practise will help us to live in harmony and it’ll increase our happiness and freedom.

Sunil Vilas

Ranjan good morning hope you had a pleasant weekend. I presume you are still in India where it’s very hot my parents confirm who are also in Gujarat India. Thank you for sharing your practise of Tm mediation that I also started and last four years went onto advance practise of siddhi
Yes we welcome your help to provide all the support needed so members could ask questions hopefully overtime find a way to begin their practice.
I now open the platform to members for your views and questions

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi

Thanks Sunil; it would be my pleasure and joy if I could share my experiences with TM; also guide other members.

lucia gomez

lucia gomez

Completely true!

Dominique DUMONT

Dominique DUMONT

Sometimes it is by reducing the number of colors or the material you have in your studio that you can create something new. Sometimes it is by taking some material you have never used before so that to put yourself in a new situation…. Behind looking for more creativity there is the idea of what someone is looking for?

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi

Very good but more an effort; experimental ; the discussion is to increase your creativity and Meditation helps; in number of ways; may change our perception and lead to more creative concepts; gives alternatives to chose from; your suggestion is also true and appreciated.

Sunil Vilas

Domingue thank you for your suggestion but as Ranjan suggested lets use meditation technique that has proven successful for members to consider and discuss in more detail

Marc Aaron Senoner

Marc Aaron Senoner

Great post Sunil, thanks. Meditation is something we all need to push our creativity, what is of great help for many is listing to classical music and almost fall in a state of trance.

Sunil Vilas

Good morning Marc hope all is well with you in Italy over here in the UK we are enjoying sunny spells with warmer spring weather. Let us all explore other potential available to us to look for how to increase our creativity. Our main point that we fail to see is right in front of us. We need each others appreciation, and doing more of what we have achieve as a group since Globalization ICAS was formed, as it will be three months to our anniversary of the group. Everyday we come here in our creative lounge to share and exchange ideas and to keep in touch, this caring bond that we have established for one another and believing in the same goals to unite the group as members from around the globe.

As creative minds we need to dip into this oasis of positive energy that we created for ourselves.

All this is lovely example how collectively we have made it possible to increase our creativity.

Talking about our anniversary in August 2013, I would be grateful for ideas of how we could celebrate and make the month of August special.

Alexandra Harley

Alexandra Harley

I don’t think there is a ‘one size fits all’ plan and certainly nothing that works 100% for the whole of our lives. Sometimes a method that has worked in the past isn’t enough for present. For me, this discussion shows the benefits of having a diversity of ideas that we can call upon. Meditation is excellent but even with this there are times when it may be necessary to engage with other / extra strategies. I thought Dominique Dumont had a good plan but as a sculptor I decided to introduce colour into my sculpture to ‘see’ my work differently. A writer friend did a piece that excluded the letter O and other artists turn their work upside down or work with the ‘wrong hand’. Any other ideas ?

Sunil Vilas

Alexandra welcome thank you for adding yet another dimension to our topic. I would put your example as thinking outside the box syndrome .., The other conditions that would belong here is looking at changing the perspective of the mind or the pattern of how and where we work. You could create a room or space were you find that you could link to your creativity..,

Sunil Vilas

Ranjan or I would like to assist any member interested to use a basic guided practise of meditation to increase their creativity to register here with your name and contact email: or telephone limiting our first group of 20 members. If you name is accepted you’ll become part of our programme to share the progress and development with rest of the members.

Alexandra Harley

Alexandra Harley

Sunil, I think you are right about creating the right working space. I find that I am never at a loss for things to do when I am in my studio and I am almost always late for any appointment scheduled after a studio day. However, whatever I do in my studio, I sometimes know that I haven’t made enough of the space or my thinking and I need another dimension to kick start an idea into being something better. It is very interesting to hear what other artists do when faced with a block and as I said previously, it may not be the same thing every time, in fact it may be necessary to do something entirely different.

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi • Alexandra
Open Your self; Close your eyes in sitting in one corner of your studio; make a space ; then
relax……allow 3-5 minutes doing nothing; do not repress or force certain ideas to come in front; try to be neutral; do not give any importance to any thought ( even if it is useful) allow it to go; vanish; and will definitely go away; even if it returns ignore it; Just 5 minutes; eyes closed; At the same time try to relax.
Gradually your space limitation will go ; inwardly you will expand; your cornered room will get open; mentally; as we say ” Let fresh Air Come In From All Sides… Let Fresh Ideas Come from all Corners of the World..:”
In Your own Studio you will enjoy the Freedom To think; To Enjoy dreams; To relax; ; To Soar High; to Move anywhere; what I call ‘Wild Imaginative Roaming … WIR…
when you have control over your self ; get up and work; work with frenzy ; sculpt;let the Form emerge; Studio will never be any more congested; why? you have found Inwaed Space; Boundless.
I like Sunni’s Idea; He too is TM practitioner.
Alexandra; if you find something refreshing ; Fine; if not just Ignor.
Practice Makes A Man Perfect.
All good wishes
More If you need on Sculpting.

Sunil Vilas

Morning Alexandra and Ranjan welcome to our Creative lounge over here in UK we enjoying a fine sunny weather with temperatures rising through the day, this should carry through the weekend.
Excellent question Alexandra how to cope when you have a block? or suddenly when you find yourself with nothing to do?

Ranjan’s solution is a practical exercise of the mind, a simple technique to add into your daily life. You can use it as and when required or even better set a time in morning or in the evening. Once you achieve this process I would say you would be on your way to doing the meditation practise.

Both Ranjan and I would like to help members wanting to learn the technique, the program is open to all members, offered as free course, but would require your commitment and wellness to want to do the practise of mindful meditation. We will offer the first 20 members the opportunity to check and cover questions as we progress forward. The members selected to join us would share their experiences here in our creative lounge. Have a pleasant inspiring restful weekend

Peter Filzmaier

Peter Filzmaier

Hello Ranjan,
How many meditative states do you experience and can you explain your transition from one to the next?

naomi sampson

naomi Sampson

I find it (to meditate) vary hard. it seems that all thought are coming to my head exactly at that point.. and not going away, i have my studio in my kitchen table…lol.
so, how do i inspire differently? i surf a lot on the web… YouTube…and shows…
have a great week everyone.

Sunil Vilas

Good morning Peter and Naomi hope you both enjoying a restful weekend. Naomi we all lead a busy life therefore when the mind is active this is our own individual test of evaluating during this period how much actual time we have to follow our creativity without being distracted. Any practise needs time and discipline for your mind. You would make a good candidate to take part in our first group program of mindful meditation. Let me use the word meditation describing a method as a way of enjoying that personal a journey to discover your true self. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi

Hello Peter
I have sent a message on linked in; please read it.
I agree with Sunil; we would welcome serious request for Meditation.

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi

Switching from one to another activity without any definite purpose is not the desired way to serious Meditation.; what Sunil says is correct; for example, before you take or choose direction on your road you wait ; seriously think ; look around ; explore and then decide you direction; and move ahead. Meditation is not any direction; but desired one to reach quietness of mind so that creativity encompass you from all over. more if you want to get the best from Meditation.

Nikolas Kouvakas

Nikolas Kouvakas

BE in full consciousness where you are ,close your eyes,smell the air,listen to the sounds and then start opening your eyes very slowly seen blur at first, stay there for a few moments keep on opening slowly until you have clear vision.Try it anywhere ,any time at your discretion.Its one way to see things as new forms and colour.Maybe it works for you.

Peter Filzmaier

Peter Filzmaier • Hello Ranjan, Thank you for your response and I have sent you a message and i now have another question. Do you thing we can help others through our meditations? As you know we manifest many things in our sense of reality and meditation can resolve many negative situations.

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi

Hello Peter
Meditation is a serious practice till it becomes part of life; if other benefits why not? the question of negative situations is bound to be there as we repress many things; negative situations have to come in forefront to be resolved; but negative means no repent Veryt interesting question.
We do not run away from negative situations
but with courage to face squarely the the unwanted to vanish or the guilt to be accepted and taken to higher level; I mean at higher consciousness.but embrace with more positive forces.
What you have written is absolutely correct; yes in full consciousness; I call it Managing The consciousness and follow what you suggest; nice having your sharing the experience; I am sure the silent spectators will come forward.

naomi sampson

naomi sampson

Hello Sunil & Ranjan, I read carefully all your wise words. I will start practising your advises.
It is odd come to thing about it… I have Reiki #3 and when people ask me to practice on them (only family) it’s working. it seems that time stopes when i concentrate when i want to heal someone else or to send healing and positive energy in my mind to them…
i guess it’s time to practice on my self…lol.
have a blessed week, i really enjoying talking to you all.

Sunil Vilas

Good morning everyone and to Nikolas, Peter Ranjan hope you all had a pleasant weekend break. Nikolas making a start is moving in the right direction as with all intention you begin your first steps to reaching your destination.
Peter let us think of meditation as being your life long personal teacher that guide you on your journey. For every question that you ask it provide you with all the wonderful answers. It not a new phenomena scientist have confirm that throughout human life we use only 20% of brain capacity. As creative minds we need to tap into the rest to develop our art

Sunil Vilas

Good morning Naomi all solutions find us when we seek answers. Enjoy your Monday being more creative. We’ll talk soon

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi

Very happy to know that you are starting the Meditation. Without any preconception or preconceived ideas about Meditation or what you will get or achieve ; plunging headlong is the best way; I and Sunil are sure you will enjoy; choose your time if you can or do it whenever you want; start any time schedule;10 minutes; 15 or 20 or more; no adverse effect is there ; but you are relaxed and find something new coming up.
Best wishes; Share with us; if not openly through private reply; we are sure you will succeed.

Herminia Haro

Herminia Haro

Thank you all for sharing your experiences with Meditation. I’ll follow the steps. A big hug to you all.

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi

a great pleasure and all success.

Sunil Vilas

Good morning to you all hope you all had a pleasant weekend as over here in the UK we had Monday bank holiday which made our weekend extend to three days.

Please to be back to see you all active..,

Big hug to you too!!! Herminia good to hear that you have sign your name to be part of the first twenty members, as both Ranjan and I are keen to help all members that join to get started.

I would like you to practise a simple program to begin the day with the 3-5 minutes everyday either at home or at your studio where you know you want be disturb

The instruction that Ranjan gave to Alexandra

Close your eyes in sitting in one corner of your studio; make a space ; then relax……allow 3-5 minutes doing nothing; do not repress or force certain ideas to come in front; try to be neutral; do not give any importance to any thought ( even if it is useful) allow it to go; vanish; and will definitely go away; even if it returns ignore it; Just 5 minutes; eyes closed; At the same time try to relax.

Gradually your space limitation will go; inwardly you will expand; your cornered room will get open; mentally; as we say “Let fresh Air Come In From All Sides… Let Fresh Ideas Come from all Corners of the World..:”
In Your own Studio you will enjoy the Freedom To think; To Enjoy dreams; To relax; ; To Soar High; to Move anywhere; what I call ‘Wild Imaginative Roaming … WIR…

I would like Naomi, Nikolas and Alexandra to begin this practice and if Marc, Dominque and Lucia also to join us..,

This program is open to all members who would like to join us you all welcome!!!. Simple email us your details:
Your Name; contract email address or phone.
With your reasons why you want to learn meditation?

During this first practice if you have any question or need to speak to either Ranjan or me

Our direct email
Ranjan –

Sunil –

Or you welcome to ask question here in our Meditation Lounge

Peter Filzmaier

Peter Filzmaier

Being surrounded by nature sometimes I find a meditative state looking out the studio window fixating on a tree or a vulture soaring in the sky, or clouds above the tree tops.
It’s a form of self hypnosis that uncluttered the mind and lets ideas flow and heightens perception.

Sunil Vilas

I would like to share this poem on meditation


Let us be still for a few moments
Without moving even our little finger
So that a hush descends upon us.
There would be no place to go,
Nor to come from,
For we would have arrived in this extraordinary moment
There would be a stillness and silence,
That would fill all of our senses,
Where all things would find their rest.
Everything would then be together in a deep connection.
Putting an end to ‘us and them’, this against that.
We would not move in these brief moments
For that would disturb this palpable presence;
There would be nothing to be said nor done
For life would embrace us in this wondrous meeting
And take us into its arms as a loving friend.

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi

Is it a self hypnosis? Or that you have gone beyond your normal live consciousness? Consciousness opens up and when you fix at phenomena (not Objects) the expanded consciousness covers wider field; that is the progress; spend more time with Nature to liberate,; Ah! it is wonderful; stimulating; broadening Vision; more intuitive. Meditation take you to higher plane where we should be to be more original and creative.
Best Luck

Alexandra Harley

Alexandra Harley

Hello Sunil, Lovely poem, who wrote it? I hope the sun is shining where you are, after a beautiful day yesterday we have grey skies and drizzle, please keep the poetry coming

Jana Jakešová

Jana Jakešová

Dear artists,
for sure we are spirits, You are You. There is many Technics now how to increase ability and creativity, Everybody is on the way to freedom, All knowingness is born in us, All is in awareness of awareness, We are spirits for sure, I have experienced it.
I think the way how to increase creativity is to create and increase communication with public’s, To be real to people, We create for them. I do not think, than missing O is more understanding, Too much experiments could spoil understanding, just little is ok, to relay message newly. Create and create and more create, can increase creativity and handle Technics to balance it what you like to say. Meditation is not for me the way, although a few have achieved enlightment, there are also blind alleys there. Yes every spirit want be free. Creativity can be also the way.Splarge on the create.

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi

Very frank submission. Congratulation.; We are all separate entity ; what you say Spirit; Anyway you achieve Freedom to pursue one’s goal is the most important approach in Life; Meditation is not only the way; Meditation is not compulsion; Even when the Way (Road-Path ) appears to be very straight and clear; there are blind alleys; we overcome in our own way. I liked you are enjoying your freedom and Being a Spirit.

Sunil Vilas

MAY 2013 – Friday 10th in our MEDITATION LOUNGE
Meeting of wonderful minds around the globe.., improve our level of creativity consciousness.., …, calmness.., revitalize.., and Inner Peace.

Guide to meditation with the support from Ranjan and Sunil

Take a Break to Meditate –
For an all-round feel-good factor; refresh your energy levels by relaxing your mind and body.

Develop your Self Esteem & become your own teacher –
Step out of your comfort zone to bring out the best in yourself. Be a self-coach rather than your own worst critic to improve your mood, self-talk and communication skills.

Thinking beyond the box –
Rethink challenges, think opportunities. Rethink problems, think solutions. Understand how to train your mind to shift your attitude and flip negative to positive.

Stress management –
Take the stress out of your life. Keep calm and rise above it all. Explore strategies on how to slow down, have more work life balance and strengthen your stress response.

Organise Your Time
Get things done by working smarter, not harder. Develop simple technique to use time effectively and enjoyably, rather than find your life dictated by time!

Meditation Made Easy
Learn meditation skill that you can practise at your studio or at home. Simple steps – how to de-clutter your head space and go from noisy, busy mind to peace more creative mind.

Piercarla Garusi

Piercarla Garusi

I agree, I meditate many many hours per day.

Alexandra Harley

Alexandra Harley

This discussion is providing much food for thought, many thanks

Ranjan Munshi

We invite your views; your thoughts; share; request.

Sunil Vilas

MAY 2013 – Tuesday 28th in our MEDITATION LOUNGE?
Meeting of wonderful minds around the globe.., improve our level of creativity consciousness.., …, calmness.., revitalize.., and Inner Peace.

Month of May being the fifth month of the year is also an auspicious month of the birth of Buddha. Both today and tomorrow all round the World candles will be lit and celebrated the day.

Praise and blame,
gain and loss,
pleasure and sorrow
come and go like the wind.
To be happy,
rest like a giant tree,
in the midst of them all.
— The Buddha

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

Just as treasures are
uncovered from the earth,
so virtue appears from good deeds,
and wisdom appears from
a pure and peaceful mind.
To walk safely through
the maze of human life,
one needs the light of wisdom
and the guidance of virtue.

~ Buddha ~

It is good to be back after lovely extended weekends break with the family at the East coast of England – Great Yarmouth spend most times relaxing and meditating on the sandy beach including valuable time with the family.

Shortly be posting a questionnaire for all members joining our meditation programme to complete that will help us to follow your development..

Sunil Vilas

Welcome your feedback of finding out how was your weekend?
Did anyone get a chance to practise our basic technique of quieting the mind. All the practises your learn in our meditation lounge will help you progress with your own personal practises and more reasons for you to enjoy your path of mediation experience.
Most important is to share these experiences here for other members also to benefit.

Have a pleasant day being creative !!!

Peter Filzmaier

Peter Filzmaier

I had a little accident. I slipped and fell coming out of the pool and injured my elbow. As I am not prone to seek much medical attention I used meditation to relieve the pain and enhance the body’s healing process. The pain was gone quickly and other than a little swelling the wound is almost healed.

Sunil Vilas

Hello Peter thank you for adding your entry sorry to hear of your incidence. Our body has many defense mechanisms to protect ourselves one being our healing powers. Meditation technique teaches us to discipline our mind to attend to what we are doing at that particular moment in time. Similarly when we injury ourselves we consciously make every efforts to take pain away and attend to healing our body to avoid delayed action that then takes longer time for the body to recover

Herminia Haro

Herminia Haro

I always rescue a time in the afternoons for meditation, try to concentrate in the beats of my heart to remove any thinking and images and when I finish I feel calm and happier.
Good to hear your elbow is getting better Peter. Sending best thoughts.

Sunil Vilas

JUNE 2013 – Saturday 1st in our MEDITATION LOUNGE
Meeting of wonderful minds around the globe.., improve our level of creativity consciousness.., …, calmness.., revitalize.., and Inner Peace

Herminia this is the right steps, that is a lovely start our intention to make that first effort to make that leap. Similarly if we all follow the example we all would be moving in the right direction with small steps in completing our goal.

If I could ask you all to now introduce our Breathing Meditation practice that I would like you to incorporate into your program. We call it A..B..C A – awareness; B – Breathe; and C – conscious. To practice for minimum 5 minutes if you find it easy to do increase to 10 minutes than up to 20 minutes a day. This program will help to clear your mind make you relax and calm. There are many different forms of meditation this is one of the main practice of Breathe meditation.

If we could seat on a chair or on the ground where you are comfortable without being disturb making sure your spin is upright .., Now close your eye and take five deep breaths now repeat loudly to your self

1. x5 – I am aware I am breathing followed by
2. x5 quietly in your mind – I am aware I am breathing
3. x5 – I am aware of my body taking a breath loudly
4. x5 quietly in your mind – I am aware of my body taking a breath
5. x5 – I am conscious I am breathing loudly followed by
6. x5 quietly in your mind – I am conscious I am breathing
7. x5 – I am conscious of my body taking a breath loudly
8. x5 quietly in your mind – I am conscious of my body taking a breath

The purpose of reciting both loudly and quietly to your self is to enjoy the different experiences that echo back to yourself. The more we are able to discipline our mind to put this into regular program the easier it will become including the benefits you’ll experience with your self and the surrounding

Have a pleasant restful weekend

Patricia Passaris

Patricia Passaris

Meditation is the Stillness within the Silence where Solitude embraces the flow of what ever one is seeking to learn…know and understand… its is arrived at with no effort at all… just like the inward and outward breath. This is how I merge with the creative part of myself in all that i choose to creatively express..

Ranjan Munshi

Ranjan Munshi

Congratulations. you have a found a WAY. Do you need Solitude to experience Stillness or Quieting Yourself, that is moving into realm of complete silence while Meditating or you reach solitude while not meditating; a thoughtless state of mind and body?

Sunil Vilas

How is your meditation programme progressing? If members would like to share their experiences or have questions for either Ranjan or myself we would be happy to answer or clarify any points..,

I would like to share with you all the importance of our new YOU TUBE video production of Laara Williamsen’s latest collection that combines some of her powerful images of Life and Elements made of Earth, Water, Air, Fire seeing mastery of Laara’s technique mixed with sounds use by musical composer who produces music for deep meditation and calming of the mind.

Here is an opportunity to use this video production as a tool to settle the mind to enhance our visual and sound senses. This technique will also improve all the other senses of touch, smell and taste overtime..,

Another medium and program that we would like you all to add to your daily meditation practises.

Enjoy the experiences that the video brings to you with our deep blessing

Click the link below to view

Edgar Plaute

Edgar Plaute

diese Diskussionsrunde habe ich bisher leider kaum beachtet … aber sie scheint es wert zu sein, darauf näher einzugehen und darüber nachzudenken … Malen ist dafür eine sehr gute Gelegenheit … vor allem um 2 Uhr nachts bekommt man die besten und wichtigsten Erkenntnisse …wer einem diese liefert, darauf möchte ich jetzt nicht näher eingehen …

… ich habe die einzelnen Gesprächsteilnehmer genau betrachtet … da fällt mir etwas auf … Sunil schau auch du einmal genau hin … außer dir und Hermenia lächelt niemand … daher würde ich mich am ehesten euch beiden anschließen … und bald wieder von mir hören lassen …

Servus aus Österreich …

in my English:

his discussion round, I unfortunately little so far noticed … but it seems to be worth it to dwell and thinking about … painting is a really good occasion … mainly by 2 clock at night gets you the best and most important insights … who delivers this one, it now I will not go into detail …

… I have considered the individual conversation participants exactly … that reminds me of something … Sunil also show you exactly once through … Hermenia no one but you and smiles … therefore I would most likely you connect two both … and soon be hearing from me again …

Servus from Austria …

Graeme Smith

Graeme Smith

G’Day All, Well I just stumbled on this discussion. I have little knowledge and no interest in meditation. But I do have some knowledge and a great deal of interest in creativity. Creativity is an ability that everyone possesses. It is the ability to solve problems. It is how we all learned language, to walk, to eat and to attempt to solve any problem we encounter on life’s journey.
Because creativity is a behaviour it shares characteristics with any other behaviour. One of those is that skill can be developed. Those people who are thought to be, or consider themselves to be, highly creative are those who have developed their problem solving skill. This is done by small incremental steps in the problem difficulty level. I can offer a program whereby anyone can coach creativity skill in members of any group that meets regularly. I somehow doubt whether meditation helps in this process, but have an open mind, it might.

Sunil Vilas

JULY 2013 – Saturday 6th in our MEDITATION LOUNGE
Meeting of wonderful minds around the globe. an opportunity improve our level of Creativity Consciousness.., …, Calmness.., Revitalize.., and Inner Peace

Good morning Edgar & Graeme thank you for joining us in our meditation lounge. It’s always a pleasure to chat and share ideas at the same time develop our knowledge.

All our creative lounges are here to connect us live with members around the globe, unable any member to reach out to our full list of members of Globalization ICAS.

Graeme I read your comments on creativity and welcome all the different processes, and ideas that members practise to share with members of the group as I am aware there are many program available to improve our creativity. Perhaps you could elaborate more about the program that you coach so that the members of GICAS could have a clearer understanding.

Although you have little knowledge and no interest in meditation, I would suggest you have an open view about the technique. Think of meditation as a word to describe the technique to use to discipline the mind. We all have different words to describe the practise it could be a vehicle, or model framework or inner discipline to train our minds. The main thing to bear in mind is that all these techniques / practises have been around for thousands of years. All the different practises have been scientifically tested in the last fifty years to show great improvements in the abilities of increasing creativity ..,

It was lovely to touch base today, wish you all a happy smiling restful weekend!!!

Big Hug & love to all

Join us again here in the CREATIVE / POETRY/ MEDITATION Lounge’s live.. And exhibitions,

Graeme Smith

Graeme Smith

G’Day Sunil, In answer to your question, your members can find out about SPACE Art Education by visiting the website.

John Winter

John Winter

pick something up and do something with it!

panteleimon souranis

panteleimon souranis

Hello to you all! I learned the way (not totaly yet) of scientific and positive thinking (meditating) from a book that was written in 1912 by Charles.F.Haanel and called ”The Master Key System” Since then my life is better, i am a better person and i can Love more Everything and Everyone! Now i want to read Napoleon Hill and Deepac Chopra.
Your conversation and the informations you are shearing are very interesting!
Thank you!

Mel Alexenberg

Mel Alexenberg

Read about a kabbalistic model of creative process in my book “The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age” (Intellect Books/University of Chicago Press). It explores creativity at it highest levels based upon analysis of my interviews of prominent artists and scientists (artists in Who’s Who in American Art and scientists – Nobel laureates and member of US Academy of Sciences).

Graeme Smith

Graeme Smith

G’Day Mel, What does kabbalistic mean?

Peter Filzmaier

Peter Filzmaier

I see the kabbalistic experience as a realization of reality to it’s creative source. The creative process is one of solution seeking through one’s inner self and is a meditative state that is accelerated through transcendental meditation allowing the consciousness to enhance the intuition, the pathway to the source of reality, the intelligence of creation, the universal connection of self to all that exists. The practice of transcendental meditation expands perception and breaks down subjective perception revealing an objective understanding of self and the unity of individuality within all that exists.

Graeme Smith

Graeme Smith

G’Day Peter, I’d agree that creativity (creative process) is one of solution seeking. I doubt the rest.

Peter Filzmaier

Peter Filzmaier

Hello Graeme, I always learn from other peoples points of view so please elaborate and share your doubts.

Graeme Smith

I help people according to their needs.

G’Day Peter, That’s great to hear. I do not intend to get into a debate about your views however, as previously requested by Sunil, you can access mine at .

Sunil Vilas 

Sunil Vilas


Good morning Graeme thank you for your respond to my question, firstly may I clarify some procedures as members we are all free to ask questions and request for a reply. To than be requested to go to your website which once again require one to join and register on your website would be look upon as a way of promoting yourself.

So therefore a simply reply would be most welcome!!!

Diana Báez Barrueto 

Diana Báez Barrueto


I think most creative people are those who have shown great curiosity, observing and studying nature as Leonardo da Vinci.
For this I think you should always pay attention to everything around us, the sky and the stars, if you ride detention observe the landscape, the trees, in order to always try to learn more and more.
I have also noticed that when there is distress or pain some artists have been able to make great creative work because it is more sensitive, also happened to Vincent Van Gogh who took refuge in art.
In any case it is best to always get a notebook and a pencil …

Alexandra Harley 

Alexandra Harley

Diana has a very positive method of dealing with increasing creativity, it feels based on ‘doing something’ and for me that does seem useful. If I can force myself at difficult times into making or drawing, then usually some good comes out of it. When the going is tough, getting out the notebook and pencil can be really painful and when the results are dire that is even worse. When it works, then it is amazing.
Overall this has been a really thought provoking discussion, thanks to all for some stimulating debate.


    Edgar Plaute 

    Edgar Plaute

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, hallo alle meine lieben Künstler …

    … vor einigen Stunden hatte ich einen schweren Unfall mit einem Motorradfahrer … ich habe ihn und sein Fahrzeug völlig übersehen … wie aus dem Nichts stand in der Finsternis plötzlich eine graue Gestalt vor mir … der Fahrer des Motorrades hat keine schweren Verletzungen, er kann sein Gliedmaßen einwandfrei bewegen und er ist ansprechbar … trotzdem blieb er auf der Straße liegen und wurde in das Unfallkrankenhaus Salzburg gebracht … auch die Schäden am Motorrad und an meinem Auto halten sich in Grenzen … wir hatten beide einen Schutzengel Gottes der über uns wachte …
    … eigentlich ist das kein Thema für eine öffentliche Diskussionsrunde … ich gehe euch damit auf die Nerven … und ich bitte dafür um Entschuldigung … aber ich weiß auch, dass Künstler ein besonders feines Gespür für schwierige Situationen aufweisen … sonst wären sie keine Künstler! …
    … es drängen sich plötzlich sehr, sehr viele Fragen in mir auf, die ich längst verarbeitet zu haben glaubte … es ist mir dringendes Verlangen meditativ jetzt in mich zu gehen … ein Danke im voraus, dir lieber Sunil, wenn ich deinem wunderbaren sonntäglichen Ritual am 25. August nicht entsprechen sollte … und sollte der eine oder andere meinen “öffentlichen” Gefühlsausbruch für geschmacklos oder unangemessen halten, bei dem möchte ich mich ganz besonders entschuldigen …
    Servus aus Hallein

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, hello all my friends, …

    …few hours ago I had a serious accident with a motorcyclist … I completely overlooked him and this vehicle … out of nowhere stood in the darkness suddenly a gray figure in front of me … the driver of the motorcycle has no serious injuries, he can move his extremities properly and he is responsive … yet he remained lying on the street and was taken to the Emergency Hospital Salzburg … the damage to the bike and on my car are limited … we both had a guardian angel of God watching over us … … and I am completely sober, I drink no alcohol for several years more …
    + + +
    + + +
    + + +
    … actually this is not a topic for public discussion … I go on your nerves so that you … and I ask for your apology … but I also know that artists have a particularly fine feeling for difficult situations … otherwise they would not be artists! …
    + + +
    + + +
    + + +
    . it throng suddenly very, very many questions in me that I had already processed … it is an urgent need for me to go into a meditative now me and not just on Sunday afternoon … a thank you in advance, dear Sunil, when I am 25 your wonderful Sunday ceremony August should not match … and should one or the other for my emotional outburst tasteless should hold, in which I apologize especially …

    Servus from Hallein

  • Sunil Vilas

    Founder / Managing Director / Art Dealer, ICAS – Vilas Fine Art Letchworth

    Top Contributor

    Hallo Edgar
    hoffe, es ist alles gut bei euch. Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr Kommen zu unserer Meditation lounge, ihre aktuellen Erfahrungen. Ja, es ist in Zeiten wie diesen müssen wir Regeln unser Geist einsetzen, um zu meditieren. Wie viele Wirkstoffe werden durch deinen Verstand daran erinnern das, was geschah. Wir können nicht ändern, was war passiert, aber wir können etwas über unsere Zukunft. Ich werde sie in meinen Gedanken am Sonntag und euch zu versichern, dass sie auch über die Familie der ICAS in ihren Gedanken heute und in Zukunft

    Hello Edgar
    Hope all is well with you. Thank you for coming to our meditation lounge to share your current experience. Yes it is at times like this we need to settle our mind by seating down to meditate. As lots of actives will be going through your mind remembering all that had happened. We cannot change what had happened but we can do

  • Edgar Plaute 

    thank you Sunil!

  • Edgar, My thoughts of well wishes are with you and the man on the motorcycle. It is fortunate that no one was seriously injured. and it is good that you move from retrospection to meditation to remove the stress of the experience from your mind. Such experiences are most unfortunate. May you both recover from this experience reafirming the value of being.

  • danke Peter!

    Jelica Culafic 

    Jelica Culafic

    Hallo Edgar,

    Es ist eine gute Nachricht, dass beide, du und das Motorrad Mann, nicht schwer verletzt sind, während die Sachschäden immer reparabel sind.
    Nimm meine aufrichtigen Wünsche entgegen! Positiven Gedanken!

    Dear Edgar, it is a good news that both, you and the motorcycle man, are not seriously injured, while the material damage is always repairable.
    Sending you good wishes and positive thoughts.

    Edgar Plaute 

    Edgar Plaute

    danke Jelica … herzlichen Dank! …
    … ich vermute, dass du deutsch sprichst? … welche ist deine Muttersprache?

    Herminia Haro 

    Herminia Haro

    Edgar, I’ll have you and the motorcycle man in my thougths this sunday of Meditation.
    Sending best wishes.

    • thank you Herminia … and thank you to all he others wrote me in the last 24 hours …

    • Peter Filzmaier 

      Peter Filzmaier

      Thoughts for peace.

    • Alex Taveras

      Alex Taveras

      I tend to be most creative when I prevent my mind from being creative kinda of like forgetting i prepped a canvas the night before then showing up a day later with an uncontrollable desire to project my inner most feelings, as if charging a battery waiting for the green light so i could use it.Not thinking of anything till it is time to attack!. Art of war or war of art!? I like to think that my spirit is in control of my creativitity and my mind simply knows the tools and techniques my spirit taught it! I guess its more so of an attempt to leave my ego out of the equation so as to make better purer work!

  • Ranjan Munshi 

    Ranjan Munshi

    Edgar I had not open my Group Discussion when you wrote to me; I am Happy That Divine Grace was There during your critical Moments. Hope you have recovered. . God Bless You. Regards

  • thank you Ranjan … I am enjoyed for your good words …

  • Sunil Vilas


    What a wonderful Sunday to remember as each one of us completed our World Peace day meditation, Thank you to all the GICAS family for sharing your comments and experiences. We welcome comments from other members waiting to add to the list to become part of our records.,

    My experiences have not stopped as the meditation was full of endless love and abundances of joy.., Happy Sunday to you all..,

    As a souvenir of the event attached link below to keep as memory that we all took joy and shared an opportunity to come together as one global family to complete an auspicious event in sending peace and healing to all that need the most..,

  • lucia gomez 

    lucia gomez

    Thank you Sunil!

    Beautiful experience and still better, What a wonderful atmosphere you are creating!

  • Hi all who were there yesterday … I could because of a traffic accident at the World Peace day meditation not participate … is generally high praise for it … but no one tells something about it … only antonino wrote: “…. Edgar, what a beautiful woman I would understand but a man, no.  Seriously fortunately all went well, this makes me feel happy.” …. what’s happened? … can anyone give me any answer that? … or is this a newspaper hoax? … or while you are fell asleep and it was just a dream? … I could make a very personal rhyme à la Edgar Plaute but it also …
    Servus from an old cold salt mine

    • Sunil Vilas


      Laara lovely to hear from you hope all is well with you?

      I see you are taking part in the Peace Art exhibition Good Luck to you from all your family here at GICAS..

      It will be good for the global family to join together for monthly World Peace

  • Peter Filzmaier 

    Peter Filzmaier

    Wishing all of you peace, happiness and well being and the people of the Philippines, speedy recovery from their disaster with much help from the rest of the world. May we come to realize when one suffers we all suffer and let how we treat our children and animals be the test of our morality and humanity for they can not help them selves.

  • Sunil Vilas


    What a wonderful Sunday just completed my program of 3 hours meditation session deeply touch by the Philippines disaster.., hoping with our group session of positive universe energy will help a long way to build everyone’s life’..,

    How was your day ? If you participated in our World Meditation program. Please do share your experiences with us..,

    Welcome Peter

  • A day of contemplation and pleasant thoughts of the beauty of just being alive realizing the best should always be found in today so that it can reflect itself in the days to come.

  • Afternoon of calm and concentration, sending best thoughts and good vibes to our people in Philippines, wishing a quick recovery.

  • Muy buenos dias,
    Good morning to all,
    Guten Morgen an alle.
    Talking About meditation:I have a question
    What is the purpose of meditation?

  • Peter Filzmaier 

    Peter Filzmaier

    Hello Pablo,I use meditation to achieve a state of mind that is a state of consciousness that for most people comes moments before sleep. To me it is an inner consciousness that touches creation. It is a state of being consciously aware yet being unaffected by outer influences. I use this as a means of soliciting creative images, and a platform for prayer in healing and well wishing. It also helps me to deal with negative perspectives and affirming optimism.

  • trough out my creative life as an artist using different expressions, i have noticed its a go between each of them: some periods need lines and colours, very simple, to express clear and strong feelings, others need heavy materials, dark colours, sometimes, films, videos are the only way to say what i want to say or show, recently, i have used the writing and drawings together, its a kind of respiration: the ” air “comes in and goes out, all the events of life push me in one of these periods… they can be 7 years long or less if the events are very difficult or sudden. for me, creativity and life are close to eachother, inseparable… i have never tried meditation yet,it might be another experience now, reading the comments is questionning me.

  • Peter Filzmaier

    Peter Filzmaier

    Hello Riene, I took the opportunity to visit your web site. I was impressed by the work and found it deeply original and very expressive of you as an artist. I look forward to your participation in GICAS.

  • good morning to everyone, servus edgar,
    thank you for posting this sunil.
    i watched the david lynch 9minute video last night and went to bed thinking about it. it’s very interesting. i think i meditate in my own way (with favourite music playing and relaxation) in order to get into that ‘zone’ just before painting, but i now plan on doing research on transcendental meditation. ‘have not had time to read everybody’s comments yet. there is a 2hour video as well – i shall watch that later, looking forward to it.

  • Sunil Vilas


    Good morning to you all hope you all had a pleasant weekend break!! Welcome to Edgar and Suzanne to our meditation lounge. Suzanne thank you for sharing your comment, the purposes of our programme is to offer you your own choice not to say transcendental meditation is the only route to take the practise and program has also been explained in our monthly world meditation program following the simple steps,all design to improve our creativity done on a regular bases..,


  • I saw the David Lynch video today. Loved every minute of it:) So well said, about the meditation’s effect on ”creativity” and about the One-Ness. Thanks for this info.

  • Sunil Vilas


    Good evening to all our GICAS members hope you all enjoyed a wonderful break this weekend and continue as we complete our Sunday..,

    It’s always a pleasure to hear from our members who keep regular touch with us here in our Creative / Meditation lounge.

    Hello to Gulnar hope all is well with you? To follow our discussion on creative flowing we started as a group to explore all possibilities to increase our creativity and meditation is an excellent opportunity.

    We now have two programs that you’ll find interesting and helpful to participate. All members are welcome to join us..,
    The first where all members join us around the globe to complete their individual practice helping to spread Peace & Healing and same time increase creativity for self and all connected…


    Art for Peace and Healing

  • I admire his point of view. Generous, essential. Here’s someone who transmit good things for next generations !


  • Sunil Vilas


    Meeting of wonderful minds around the globe.., following the path of creativity.., sharing of precious moments with one another.., making new friendships and finding new ways of increasing our Creativity, by opening our self to our ONE GLOBAL family.

    Good Evening everyone .., Hello, Namaste! Bonjour!, Salute!, Shalom! And Nǐ hǎo!!

    We welcome all the new members that join us in the last seven days we soon get to know each other through our regular visit to our Creative / Meditation Lounge…,

    It’s lovely to see many new members settling down by introducing themselves and also asking questions, an slowly joining us in our Meditation lounge.

    Hello to Lucía Borrallo, Elisa Cosme and Dominique Gais thank you for your comment and link to an interesting video talk by Elizabeth Gilbert on the Ted .com. show.

    Our direction here was to pick up on the points that science research has shown that human being to be top of all living species, yet we go through our full life cycle only using maximum of 15% to 20% of our brain capacity and the rest remain domain. Therefore our question in the meditation lounge was how do we increase our creativity and to discuss different techniques that our members have used or practiced and personally benefited to be able to share with rest of our members. Meditation practice is one of the methods that have shown positive results, and it’s very different from our meditative painting practice that we experience whiles we painting. Firstly we are not in control or able to channel the lovely energy that we release while exercising our creative minds.

    May I remind all members who would like to join us for our 16th WORLD MEDITATION for PEACE & HEALING on Sunday 30 November that involves all our GICAS members around the globe to complete a marathon of a 24 hours program, only takes 20 to 30 minutes of each member’s time?

    FOR NEW MEMBERS joining us for the first time here is our step to step guide to start your practise today.., click our link below..,

    HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK AHEAD!! We welcome further comments…,

  • Thanks so much for sharing this! I’ve practiced meditation and chanting for 20 years and find it makes all the difference in the world for what I create, and how my day goes. Why not change the channel to a higher frequency and create from there, whatever form of meditation or spiritual practice you choose to use! I’ve found it very interesting and useful to explore the use of different sounds etc. to see their influence on my work.

  • Sunil Vilas


    Meeting of wonderful minds around the globe.., following the path of creativity.., sharing of precious moments with one another.., making new friendships and finding new ways of increasing our Creativity, by opening our self to our ONE GLOBAL family.

    Good Evening everyone .., Hello, Namaste! Bonjour!, Salute!, Shalom! And Nǐ hǎo!! Hello to Elisa & Lisa thank you for your comments..,

    What a wonderful way to share our thoughts and exchange ideas between our united Global family.., as it also enable us to exercise our CREATIVE MINDS.., Today like to share with you ALL, a simple technique that is easy to follow and everyone should incorporate in their daily routine.

    We call it as STOP B. technique that we will all get familiar and overtime that every time we see the image or receive a text or email.., it means we STOP for three minute break and just take deep breathe and concentrate breathing IN & OUT filling our lungs and body with rush of fresh AIR and Oxygen feeling Refresh and Energise that we slowly return back to continue whatever we were doing. .

    This will be our Three minutes mindful breathing meditation technique..,

    Let us enjoy the experience together by sending our fellow members a gentle reminder as a way of introduction and to complete the task together, making this our communication tool to freely send our fellow members !!..,

    We can also greet our members in our Creative Lounge with the word STOP B…, TRY IT !!! & HAVE FUN JOINING US .., .,

    Have a wonderful weekend..,

  • Photographer, writer & performer. 0.5 Lecturer in Film & Media at Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Living life mindfully creates a constant meditation and many creative people have immediate access to this indirectly through their creations. Meditation frees up the mind to go deeper and penetrate into pure states of joy and so forth. It is great to try differing practices out and then to work steadily on the most appropriate types.

  • President at own a unique

    Hi everyone!!
    ………in my most humble opinion I believe, meditation is the “door” to let us step at “bridge” that we can connect our soul, with the universal mind, where is come from the real creativity.
    meditation technique are a lot, but the most important thing to me is get that connection!!
    Thank you

  • G’Day Sunil, Well I have never meditated. Never even felt the need to (I’m 78). But I’m not arguing against those that do. However I have spent many years considering creativity and developing related programs. It’s my belief that no-one can increase their creativity for it’s something we all have (from birth). Basically it’s our ability to solve problems. But what we can do, and do do, is get better at creativity (solving problems). After a certain point in life other people provide ready made solutions to problems so we practice our creativity a little less and our creativity skill does not develop further.
    The barrier to growing creativity skill is other people. They interfere. That’s where meditation may have a part to play.

  • Creativity Activation & Chakra Healing – Guided Meditation

    David Lynch on Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain



Globalization icas logo

   Meeting of wonderful minds around the globe.., improve our level of Creativity Consciousness.., …, Calmness.., Revitalize.., and Inner Peace

ALL material on this website is protected copyrights reserved by Globalization ICAS / Group Founder Sunil Vilas  email:

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