Creativity flows through our Life? For a painter being a daily observer of life in light & colour; a sculptor in the shape of things; a poet in words; a musician in sound. What’s true for you?

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Globalization ICAS (International Contemporary Art & Sculpture)

A diverse group of creative minds aims to develop a platform for all artists, galleries, museums, curators, consultants, art organisations, critics, editors, art collectors and sponsors to work together for a common goal to create a global vision for Art.

Marilena Bergamini

Marilena Bergamini • dear Sunil, thanks for the suggestion. All of my life is covered by creativity. Professional life and personal. My house, my affections, my relationship. Of course as far as possible. The forms of nature I suggest ideas. Natural forms come in my work, in planning and excution. Shapes, colors, materials are like musical notes with which to produce art. Marilena

Ellen Fisch

Ellen Fisch • Photography is my main medium for creativity. Taking the photograph and then transforming it into my vision expresses my daily observations.


Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Marilena & Ellen thank you for your comments and adding yet another dimension ..,

Ellen Fisch

Ellen Fisch • Thank YOU, Sunil, for starting the discussion!


Sunil Vilas • Morning to you all!!! as galleries we make daily creative decisions of viewing artist’s works, provide positive feedback, programme exhibitions, offer art consultancy to private & corporate collectors and develop new buyers of Art.., all in a day work!!!



Sunil Vilas • Creative thinkers are always looking for answers beyond the box, always searching for as many solutions to the task as possible.., Thomas Edison created 3000 different ideas for lighting systems before he evaluated them for practicality and profitability. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart produced more than six hundred pieces of music, including forty-one symphonies and some forty-odd operas and masses, during his short creative life. Rembrandt produced around 650 paintings and 2,000 drawings and Picasso executed more than 20,000 works. Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets..,

Rob Miller

Rob Miller • I make work out of being restless with the world, and to defend myself from normality. My work resides somewhere between the categorical and the expansive, which is to say, between meaning and meaningless. For me, creativity is about being relentlessly curious, a state of constant flux – and a condition absolutely “normal”….

Bojan Grujić

Bojan Grujić • Art is not just part of life; art is life in its own way, state of mind, like being possessed with spirit of creativity. I listen to classic and instrumental music with dynamic and thrilling compositions to get inspiration. Sculpture requires a lot of energy physical and mental and the most interesting part of creation is when you totally become unaware of your existence, you forget about your physical needs, you think, feel, you are what are you creating, no matter if it is sculpture, painting, drawing… every and single moment of artist life, you cannot forget about art… and yes, i agree that you need a lot of work and dedication to achieve something marvelous and outstanding.

Bojan Grujić

Bojan Grujić • for example today i have spent about 11 hours preparing my art studio for tomorrow, standing, repairing walls, installations, checking equipment. And I totally forgot about taking a break because I am impatient for beginning of sculpting new work, then suddenly I felt that my legs are giving up. 🙂

John Stoltzfus • Bojan – Your comment – “Art is not just part of life; art is life in its own way, state of mind, like being possessed with spirit of creativity” you are dead on, couldn’t be said any better. You could say and others around me could vouch that I have been possessed with art.
Since I have stumbled across the creation of art using a mechanical design software, so since it really is something entirely “New” I have been constantly trying different techniques and those searches are what has taken me into another world.
All good, John


Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Antonino, Rob, Bojan & John thank you for sharing your exciting experiences with us all!!! Good luck with the work you are all creating today.., tomorrow is yet another day.

Archana Sonti

Archana Sonti • for me art is not just painting or poetry but the beauty of life experiences. in worst situations where one cannot paint or write but can be in the state of art…spirituality drives me, it connects me with everything…I dream, with no financial hurdles if any artist is blessed where the artist can spend time full fledged with music paint travel exhibit explore what not 🙂

Amy Catherine Lamenzo

Amy Catherine Lamenzo • Flowing through Life is a great phrase to elaborate upon. In relation to creating, I feel when I create there is a flow that propels myself into creating an Artwork, it is where and when I believe the transcendental resides.

lucia gomez 

lucia gomez • Thank you for our invitation to join the group.
My life and the experiences lived are the driving forces behind my work. Going deep within about them, makes my art flow and makes me create and “exhale” whatever is needed to feel lighter and better, and grow as a person.

Gavin Cawthorn

Gavin Cawthorn • Much of my creative inspiration comes from time I spent living at sea working in the pearling industry off the coast of Western Australia. Also from travels through India.



Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Archana, Amy, Lucia & Gavin thank you for your contribution.., finding many ways Creativity flowing through our Life is endless..,Let’s have more of these example coming..,join us tomorrow and follow us.,

Rob Miller

Rob Miller • “Art plays a particular role in this life voyage, at least for artists. The work of art become like a buoy at sea, marking out the journey. Unlike a sailor, though, the artist charts his own course by making these buoys for himself. This is how, for instance, Giorgio Vasari proceeds in The Lives of the Artists (1568). Renaissance artists discovered that originality does not provide a solid social foundation of autonomy” (Sennett, the Craftsman) – so, if we value creativity, what is the place of the artist in contemporary society….are we anything more than “cultural producers”?

David Borrington • This is quite a broad discussion on creativity, Sunil you mentioned that Rembrandt produced 650 paintings and Picasso produced over 20,000 works etc. I don’t disagree that they were very creative and talented artists but I would not relate volume of artwork made would always equal creativity in a particular person.
Creativity is found in all life forms even one cell organisms, however humans need creativity in their lives, for us artists it is more obvious, however we can’t forget the other professions, most humans are creative everyday and those people who are more creative will create more opportunities, see opportunity and take it.
The big problem at the moment in art schools students aren’t allowed enough time and space to really understand their language, everything is moving too quick for them which will just suck the creativity out of them.
There is less creativity in contemporary art than ever before. However people think contemporary art is cutting edge, but if they just read some art history from the 50s, 60s and 70s they would see it is just a poor imitation of what has already been made in the lot of their cases.



Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Rob, David, Joas & Ruth thank you for your excellent contribution.., our task of getting to know each other in the group, openly sharing your views & ideas is also making our topic more interesting. For all those who are following our debate you are welcome to join in at anytime..,

Nectar Soliman

Nectar Soliman • Absolutely. As Degas once said, art is not what you see , rather it’s what you make others see. I think it’s the honesty and passion that Inspires others. Art is art regardless. Every artist is remarkable and entitled to their own artistic freedom. It’s amazing to see a fusion of talented artists on board embracing diversity and innovation.

Haydn Anthony ART/ Peace projects

Haydn Anthony ART/ Peace projects • My art flows through inner visions. I do my best to translate what appears, in a spontaneous way, to my inner eye. The visions began as archetypes after a life changing experience. They have now progresses to what I call ‘impulses from the origin’. Colors seen are impossible to render in paint. I am interested in the brain sciences to better understand how these visions happen. I am also a Synesthete.



Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Nectar from Sydney and Haydn – Pheonix, Arizona we are covering the globe with comments and views.., this is all very exciting and I am pleased to be part of!!!





Sunil Vilas • Welcome Dr Sudhir from UK and Lila from Greece, thank you for taking part and adding yet another dimension to Creativity and how we each are inspired to complete our work..,Enjoy the rest of the weekend here in UK we having hot summer weather temp. reaching 80 degrees..,

Lila Koufopoulou

Lila Koufopoulou • I think that creativity flows mostly when using fantasy in our daily life…



Sunil Vilas • Creativity is that spark of light and brain waves we receive everyday.., its how we use to it that transform to ART..,


Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Uma from UK, Grace Melbourne, Australia and Nina Norfolk, Virginia area, USA Thank you for your comments and taking an interest in our discussions, hope to hear more from you all.., We would like to cover a good section of our members, therefore appreciate your input.., please feel free to join at anytime ..,

Nina Valetova

Nina Valetova • Я с 12 лет училась в художественной школе , затем в институте. Искусство пришло в мою жизнь в детстве и стало неотделимой частью моей жизни. Это трудный путь, так как кроме таланта, нужно много работать над техникой и стилем. Воображение и фантазия необходимы в творчестве, но я думаю, что художник должен иметь образование и высокий интеллектуальный уровень, хотя многие считают меня художником метафизического реализма и виженари арт , для которого пребывание в астрале и медитации во время творчества нормальное явление. Я так считаю потому , что в своих работах художник выражает свою личность, свои взгляды и мысли, даже если он использует своё подсознание больше чем сознание. Если художник не пишет коммерческие работы, а честно ищет свой путь в творчестве, он рискует своим финансовым положением, так как он опередит своё время и окружающие люди и покупатели не будут понимать того, что он делает.

Sam Haynes

Sam Haynes • How lucky we all are to have the FREEDOM to express our creativity through life, through art and through discussions like these!


Sunil Vilas • Welcome Sam from UK thank you for your valuable comments.., our group was setup to share and have direct open dialogue between artists, galleries, museums, art organisations, art critics, editors, collectors, buyers and sponsors..,who are all represented in the group., So lets have more input or from others who have been waiting to comment..,

Rob Miller

Rob Miller • Here’s a thought – creativity is purely a term we use to identify what is essentially our biological imperative – humans as tool makers and problems solvers – to support the survival of the species. When free time becones available, this drive to solve / make / create still requires exercising, but the beneficiaries are no longer species-wide, but much smaller communities – who all live in little white boxes…….still very much the survival of the fittest.



Sunil Vilas • Good Morning to all and welcome back to Rob from UK thank you for posting your comment, interesting the way it question us.., My experiences has shown me that our creative minds work with no boundaries.., Let’s take an analogy test with a glass of water on a table, some of us will say that it’s half full being an optimist, while the others will say its half empty being a pessimist. Both are right while the creative mind will question the size of the glass and increase to a larger glass..,
Our debate is gathering momentum and I am fascinated with the direction we are going, hopefully we could cover the broad experiences of our members. Please join in as and when you feel like saying something..,

Vinka Dekovic-Knight

Vinka Dekovic-Knight • Good morning to you all.Lovely sunny day here in Kent-England UK.Just about to go to my studio and finish a piece of work that have been meaning to do for a while.Never quite the same connection as when in the middle of creation when intuition and unconscious forces guide my work, revealing the soul of my work, about trusting and not thinking…now I have to start thinking.Am I making sense ?Wishing you all creative day 🙂


Sunil Vilas• Welcome to Vinka thank you for sharing your day with us.., hope our meeting today on the group discussion will inspire you to complete your work today!!!

Sarmita Bagchi (

Sarmita Bagchi • Art is everywhere and part of our daily life. It depends how you identify,feel,produce,and convey for satisfaction, appreciation and lastly monetary gain.



Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Sarmita from Mumbai, India how’s the weather like over there? Thank you for joining us with our debate to discovering as many aspect to Creativity flowing through our Life. Stay in touch with more views & comments to come from our members.., Have a pleasant weekend break!!!

Kasia Barbara Turajczyk

Kasia Barbara Turajczyk • @Sunil N.B. Rembrandt produced a total of about three hundred paintings(included works made by his pupils), three hundred etchings and two thousand drawings. Most of his paintings are lost. In the time of Leonardo, Titian or Rembrandt nobody used the term “art” or “artist” – Rembrandt was nothing more or less than an craftsman doing his job in the best way he could. He was a brilliant craftsman (etching) and a great painter. I am kind of tired with the term expression and art. Most of the contemporary art in the galleries and museums is only expression without any value and any meaning. An artwork without beauty and truth is a deception and hypocrisy.

Rob Miller

Rob Miller • With respect to the proclamation……who will be the arbiters of this truth and beauty you speak of?



Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Kasia from Exeter UK and Rob it’s lovely to share with so many likeminded individuals from different background to talk openly.., passion and conviction is how creative mind work and we have to follow our heart and instinct to lead us..,enjoy the rest of weekend..,

Jenny Pagé

Jenny Pagé • Art is my life; I just cant help myself…It is how(and only way I can) I digest what is happening outside of my creative stream,however complex,difficult ,joyful,painful or ordinary.However,I dont think there is ever anything “ordinary” for an artist…we are from a completely different planet and universe,are we not?!!!


Sunil Vilas • A big Hug and Welcome to Jenny from Gt Boston USA good of you to join us and add your lovely comments.., we are born with our creative minds its how we choose to exercises it in our daily life, we are able to progress it forward. Enjoy a creative day in the studio today.., we’ll hear from you soon!!!

Jenny Pagé

Jenny Pagé  • @ David B~ I agree! Quantity does not produce quality. In the museums and galleries I see an absence of craftsmanship or well thought out work.Its messy, arbitrary,and the growth of the artist seems stunted in that they don’t take their work further, by taking risks in their own evolution. They remain where they are because the masses approve or accept of what they are doing as Art. This exposing and challenging of oneself within their own practice(in any field) is perhaps where we find our spring of creativity.
People here keep mentioning the great masters;what is it that makes this great work last? How can we see and feel the creativity the stirs within these artists? These artists were masters of their craft and for their time period, they took great risk within their work praxis.
In schools,and society,It is indeed an enormous shame that art is not as an important curriculum or value as it should be.Creativity and artistic expression is sooo essential to our cognitive functioning-scientifically proven in fact, the benefit to students in all subjects,and professions! Imagine the innovation!



Sunil Vilas • Jenny welcome!, good to have you back!!! Interesting observation.., artworks and gallery exhibitions that we see today lacks craftsmanship or finesse of calling it a skill of being Art. As we appreciate with development of our own individual skills and technique comes with learning stages over time.., Everyday we learning and finding new creative ideas flowing, its how we perfect and implement it makes one a better artists. I believe this current trend is only a phase like fashion that will not last long in the market.., as true Art will always prevail… I am sure there are many other artists, galleries, art organisations, and art collectors who believe the same to be true..,

Didier Dubuy

Didier Dubuy • Hi friends ! Thanks for your welcoming amongst your group..& thanks for your substancial comments; All very interesting.. Creation is certainly for what human gender is purposed for, deeply; Aren’t we ourselves creations? Creation through art -but though many others means also- is a celebration. Maybe the artist eyes ( inner pair included ) is more sensitive to the beauty of life, seen & unseen. An artist creates his own language to express it



Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Didier from Paris, France the language of creativity has no boundaries well said thank you for joining us, feel free to continue with our debate.., and tomorrow is another day..,

Wilma Burton

Wilma Burton • Thanks Sunil for the invitation. I am a new artist in Abu Dhabi (moved to the UAE almost two years ago) I paint with acrylics and do some mixed media as well. My focus is Healing Art conveing the elements of nature like its beauty, colors, harmony into a type of artwork with a feeling of inner peace, joy, hope to lift the spirit positivity. I did my first exhibition here at the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi where many found my work soul uplifting. I want people to view my art and experience happiness, fill their spirits with positive emotions. I like butterflies in my work, they are a symbol of transformation and faith helping us undergo transitions in life, they also represent rebirth and new beginning. My work have been influenced by two great artists, the Spanish Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi using a visual effect of stained glass with a three dimensional feeling, and the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo using her intense bright colors and the love for traditions that come from a culture. I also use my heritage as an inspiration, a combination of Venezuelan, Lebanese and Sicilian, which many consider as a dangerous combination (explosive!), but I have a big heart and I love to help people, and I am lucky to have such a diverse heritage which also reflects in my work.



Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Wilma from Abu Dhabi.., Like the interesting use of butterflies throughout your paintings, as a subject that has been a major influence in your work and also like how each cultural background has transformed your colour palette. To have multi cultural background is a lovely gift to be proud of, as it will become your guide to help you make the right decisions in every aspect of your journey.., The association of the butterflies through different cultures around the globe have use them as symbol of Resurrection, Transition, Celebration, Lightness, Time, Soul .., Yet another aspect of creativity at its best.., Look forward to seeing more of your works. Enjoy the rest of your day being creative..



Sunil Vilas • This comment was by SARAH BOWYER – Home from Turin, Italy Welcome thank you for joining us.., Creativity is fighting for a balance between material and spiritual: painting is to materialize our spirit and everything that an artist sees is the mirror of this truth

Caroline Hartley

Caroline Hartley • Hi I am new to this group, what a great discussion to be part of.
As a fine artist that uses natural pigment and our own bees wax I create work that is concerned with Chi and holistic balance. The work ‘incredibly’ has been likened by most to such greats as Turner and Rothko in terms of atmosphere and depth. I am also a poet and feel that both my art and poetry flow through me from a sacred place. I do not wish to seem an egoist, I truly believe that I am part of something whole, the symbiosis of man and nature and so chi moves me to work.Caroline Hartley BA hons
I have heard the baby cry who sings the lullaby? A voice like an angel confronts me I am awake I can now see.
Breathing block your ears. Listen. Can you feel the rhythm? That’s real A universal song forgotten through time.
A treasure was given to me my life ,my heart, my entirety. So, who do I think I am? A part of the vibration with holistic obligation.
The natural pigment the organic colour is a statement for ecological endeavour. Enlightened.
So when you view my work ambiguity and atmosphere. Sublime intervention may provoke a tear. Allow.
I have a solo show preview party on 4th October from 7pm Kaizo 67 – 68 Charlotte road Shoreditch EC2A 3PE Please come along if in the area the show will run throughout November. To see a preview of the work that will be on show please follow the link

johnny johnston

johnny johnston • Creativity for me is like a spigot that is turned on and off by some unseen entity who never gives me warning or a point to prepare. When it does happen though I become mesmerized with the focus and like a musical instrument whose notes when played are seen floating through the air, I embrace and attempt to capture in the moment even panicking at times that the energy which I embrace will fade before my project is finished. An example of this is a painting I am about to finish which I began last January and which has remained in a state of purgatory until about two weeks ago when I had that energy return which showed me where I was to take the concept. Now don’t get me wrong I have had an energy during the time I waited but it wasn’t energy that focused on that particular painting. That is one reason I like to have my works in view at all times so that I am continually thinking about what should be next, if anything.


Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Caroline from Swansea UK and A.M. Johnston San Antonio. Thank you both for your valuable comments.., This is All Creativity at its Best!!! It’s exciting to open your studios and thoughts and sharing your experiences.., Have a wonderful creative weekend!!

Ellen Fisch

Ellen Fisch • A wonderfully creative opportunity presented itself through blogging. In my blog, I can explore my own fine art photography and add examples of the art of others. I have also added photography/ art tips. I invite you to subscribe.


Sunil Vilas • Welcome back to Ellen from New York thank you for extending the invitation to join your blog. Ellen it’s a lovely idea to have your expertise available on blog, having access to your passion for photography on the finger tips therefore suggest all members interested to join. Hope you are having similar weather, here in the UK its currently bright and sunny afternoon with temp. of 57 degrees enjoy the rest of the weekend..,

Ellen Fisch

Ellen Fisch • Thanks so much Sunil! I love reading the comments from members of this group! Weather in NY is about 75. A crisp, clear autumn day. Perfect for photography and blogging!

johnny johnston

johnny johnston • Jenny brought up a great point regarding creativity and that was “Taking a chance”, with a concept, thought or direction. Although a contemporary painter, I am a perfectionist who has many times, (to many according to my girlfriend) nearly completed a painting when I will destroy it and begin again because it doesn’t speak to me or reach the place where I feel satisfied with the outcome. Now this isn’t a frustration because I’m always taking chances with ideas and concepts which is why my paintings are all quite different in design but in doing this and accepting alternative directions in the middle of creating something I am constantly accepting or ruling out various techniques and experiments based on failure and success. In other words I am always learning.

Jenny Pagé

Jenny Pagé • Thank you Aom~I too have worked for hours and abandoned or destroyed the work~in the same way and for similar reasoning-Ill always take something from it though.I think we all do. I think at least for me- this is the point: to engage myself in the ongoing conversation with my medium,discover what materializes,and yes,learn something new,perhaps about myself;this is,outside of the boundaries Im able to push the paint,clay or stone… : )..sometimes they do indeed push back. and this conversation feeds the creative flow and inspires me further!enjoy!

Didier Dubuy

Didier Dubuy • Thanks Aom & Jenny to share your creation process LIVE !

johnny johnston

johnny johnston • The only other point I want to make regarding creativity is that many times the chemicals which stir the creative spirits are best embraced when either in a deep depression or euphoric satisfaction. Much like ones libido which feeds sensations of passion and desire that drives animalistic actions, the creative spirit seems to best exhibit itself in either an environment of tortured memories or extreme elation. Why this happens no one truly knows but when you study the lives of those from Pollack to Hemingway, Poe to Warhol you find hidden mysteries deep within that either haunt or embrace the creative spirit like a blanket of separation when controlling the buried conscience of each individual. It is an escape, a release, and at times a comfort or revelation for the artist, which few will ever understand and no one will see, that envelopes the conscientious of the creator. The eyes, heart, mind and emotions in contemporary work I believe reveal both conscious and unconscious truths. Blufengr

Gerard Oroo Motondi

Gerard Oroo Motondi • Our day to day life is composed of what we see ,what we hear, what we feel and what we aspire.The reactions to these aspects may be controlled by our instincts and cultural norms in the environment we are brought up.As a sculptor ,it is the way i react to these phenomenon that provokes the inner desire to express my self in a manner that will satisfy my feelings and let people interpret the shapes that i bring forth.Yes This is the creativity i am talking about.On the process of sculpting accidents occur and the result is not what i intended- true i re- think and the accident forms part of a new design.The creative mind accommodates the new phenomenon and life continues.When not fully satisfied you will always see a sculptor work continuously to a point where the shape will reveal an element that lets him/her relax.That is the flow of creativity.


Sunil Vilas • Welcome to Jenny Gt Boston, Didier from Paris France, Johnny San Antonio & Gerard joining us for the first time from Kenya, and thank you all for sharing your creative moments waking up on Sunday something to look forward and start our week on a high note.
The Art of Creativity and its power.., the journey to the heights of every artist’s life.., the source of infinite knowledge.., like a river it flows through its path.., opening the mind to new possibilities.., Creativity has no boundaries as soon as we contain or direct our thoughts, we limit its power to our own experiences.., There are two mind states been involved here the first being in the moment of a quiet period stirring ideas than working towards transforming to a producing a work of Art the result and the fruit of our efforts., Johnny I am in agreement with your sentiments of being a perfectionist in working a painting till it satisfy you. But let’s look at from the other perspective if you where to achieve greater enjoyment for each work that you complete this would lead to 200% satisfaction, think of the journey as being your genius moment to share with everyone!! And put more trust in your creativity as your guide.., Enjoy the rest of your Sunday..,

johnny johnston

johnny johnston • Sunil as am FYI I am AOM Johnston Johnny San Antonio

Roman Serra

Roman Serra • Creativity Flows,
How do I find myself during the “creative process? Simply put, I try to make every idea come to fruition ….regardless the amount of effort or process required. I try to remain uninhibited. I like to take things apart or cover them up and try to put them back together…..I am not afraid. For examples of my available work please visit

Julie Askew

Julie Askew • As a painter, every day is a feast for the eye… paintings are everywhere – the trick is chosing the right one for the canvas. Thank you for your invite Sunil.

johnny johnston • Imagination is the release of inhibitions and the acceptance of free thoughts in movement. Too many in this world lock themselves into caves of structure afraid to express ideas which are believed to be abnormal and questioned, continually switching from mask to mask pursuing stability in the daily world they encounter. Creativity is the freedom to disagree with the norm, change the measurements, expand the possibilities and combine complete opposites, breaking boundaries and pursuing veins of thought far from conditioned expectations.

johnny johnston

johnny johnston • Sunil, I would love to be able to reach 200% achievement but quite often there is a place deep within me which jiggles my hands, blinds my visions and whispers thoughts of impeding failure, taking me away from complete fulfillment in my journey whenever I approach the point of satisfaction in my creation .

Patricia Abramovich

Patricia Abramovich • For me art is a way of life.I fell in love with color and since I can t stop creating. I invite you to my site Best



Sunil Vilas • Good Morning / afternoon welcome to Helen Oxford UK, Roman Gt Detroit, Julie UK, Patricia Israel and Aom~J San Antonio thank you for joining us, here in the UK we getting ready for our winter’s cold nights and making the most of our sunny days.., All your comments are lovely personal experiences of creativity flowing through our mind and body.., Aom~J we all experience creativity moments all the time, we need to be more conscious of it, through regular practice each one of us has found our own way of harnessing this energy and to channel it through our work, I refer to our earlier conversation as being our moment of genius, the more time we spend in this state of mind the more we are developing our Art of Creativity.., This I also refer to being in the quiet state of mind and I like your analogy of a spigot or an archer the action of pulling the arrow back than once we visualize our target we let go and trust our creativity and skills to complete our work of art. The result of our action is what we see the fruit of our efforts. Sometimes these genius moments can lead us into different world we yet to experience, also creative at its best that come to your mind i.e. writing a song; a cook recipe; playing a musical instrument or sculpting in your case I could see you taking up a project building from scratch your love of one of these classic cars that inspire you in your work. Even better let’s ask the members of the group if any one had experiences of these creative moments and would like to share with us?

John Stoltzfus

John Stoltzfus • We can struggle at it for days, then we ride the wave of calm to an unbelievable storm, it is a constant battle to avoid tunnel vision, so sometimes it is best to walk away and then let “Art” come back to you, like a tame animal, it doesn’t work to chase it. Art can be like a calm wave, then on to a storm that is absolutely insanely crazy. Be loose, don’t be tied into a knot or like a keg of dynamite ready to blow up.
“Art is like Dessert – The best is yet to come”
Always have fun creating 🙂

Adriana Brinsmead Stockham

Adriana Brinsmead Stockham • Creativity has many influences for me – from the moment I’m awake (and even sometimes during dreams) – whether it be a particular view, colour, texture, sound – anything can lead to an idea that I then want to explore in my glass art (usually cast, sculptural pieces). I try to use mainly positive influences in an effort to counteract or balance out the many negatives that come into our lives or surround us. For me, as probably for most of us, creativity is just another part of my life that cannot be separated out from everything else.

Ron Seivertson

Ron Seivertson • there is a poem/prose by bob dylan called ‘last thoughts on woody guthery’ that sums up a lot of it for me. I listen to it often, esp. when I have had a hard day or need bit of a mental boost. Here is something I wrote a while back.
Those who have gone before us hold a lamp of inspiration. Our pathways are unclear, mountains and valleys to be crossed unknown. Yet deep inside us is this relentless yearning; a call to achieve, to explore, to develop and express.
Not all will follow the roads less traveled. Many will scoff; others are terrified at the mere idea of a long solo journey fraught with such uncertainty and risk.
The few that admire and dare to be inspired by our passion and intrigue will certainly claim their own right of passage as they should, giving regard to the divine universal spirit shared among all who bother to look inside.
It is for these people we carry on and push the boundaries of our own limitations knowing full well if we don’t we will suffer.
April 16, 2008 Ron Seivertson

Didier Dubuy

Didier Dubuy • Being an artist is certainly a risky way of being but, does he have any other choice? What’s have to be said must be, otherwise he could be smothered. Devoting your time to a personal, unique & lonely quest it’s not possible to stick around & serve social purposes, only to compose with & in some cases absolutely not.
Final social recognition is a “russian roulette” game – five bullets in the charger with one missing- or worst; to become an acclaimed fashionable decorative something, a successful production unit ( I won’t name anybody, definately ). On the other hand he’s a voice for those who have none, an access to a field of conscience & by the way absolutely redeeming if I can dare it. Sorry if I may look weird a bit but I wanted to catch the ball thrown by Ron…

antonino Gambino

antonino Gambino • Hi to everybody, if I can say, I arrange with how much I dictate from Sunil “For an artist to daily observer of life in light and colour.” Besides for an artist. at least for me, the primary assignment is the to tell the context partner / economic / historical of the epoch in which alive. The in general psitivis and negative, beautiful and ugly, but always sees with an optics of positivism, always represented with a lot of light and color “Arte=rappresentazione of the beautiful one.” Because “The art renews the people and tells the life of it”, you see the graffiti that we find again in the caverns, they testify ago a world ended millennia but that it relives thanks to them. I wish me to have expressed well the concept, regards to everybody and good day



Sunil Vilas • Good morning welcome to new members John Lebanon, Pennsylvania; Adriana Kingston-upon-Thames UK; Ron Bali, Indonesia; Didier Paris, France; & Antonio Palermo, Italy thank you all for your contribution included with a recite of Bob Dylan poem.,
EAMC gallery Monte Carlo welcome and thank you for starting a new discussion on ART market: what economic model for tomorrow? I believe would effect all involve in the art industry as the article confirms we are on the crossroad to make our own decision.., If you would like to make your comments, please add to his new discussion section !!
For all members on facebook kindly take advantage of also joining our facebook page for Globalization ICAS as it another way for members to share & exchange ideas.
Click link below:
Add your details by clicking “LIKE” on top of the page would be grateful if you could limit to one entry per member with you’re an image with facebook link pages, or website and contact details. enjoy the rest of your day!!!

cathy breslaw

cathy breslaw • i don’t separate creativity into the various compartments of my life. Creativity is part of the lens through which i live my daily life. It takes many forms, not always easy, sometimes very challenging. A very old friend of mine who is an editor said to me: “You are an artist who sees the beauty in the world and I see the world with the eye of a critic, because that is editing.” I thought it was an astout observation. When i think about it, “creativity” is really a skill developed – a well cultivated way(ways) of extending our vision of the world and stretching that vision to its fullest.

johnny johnston

johnny johnston • I like Cathy’s comment about a skill developed, but think it’s not the creativity developed but the skill. Creativity like a piece of steel can be used in a crude sense to pierce an object, however if creativity compels the owner to broaden his imagination and improve his skills he may turn that piece of steel into a knife by applying his creative spirit and continually sharpening his skills. Creativity is an unseen, unpracticed, instinct (I realize humans aren’t suppose to be instinctive) that some are lucky enough to recognize and then if uninhibited, expand upon.

Norma Duncan

Norma Duncan • Creativity, I see this as the art of creation. For there are many reasons behind one creation,
But at its core pure state it begins from a feeling an emotion, which is then expressed. The art tells a story it has its own character and its own reason for being. Sometimes the art is not recognized until it is understood. Until it is seen. Art cannot be planned to a degree, it depends on what is produced. I start a painting then I look for one thing before it is shared with the world. It has to have something which I call a genius flow before it is shown. This is something which I have been able to identify. As a new technologies inventor, something deeper is produced. It is thought about, practicalities, is it timeless, is it something which will serve, I ask myself these questions and not only look at the actual presentation of the new technology but all its functionalities. It is a different creative process to that of a work of art. It is intellectual where as art is more emotional and inclined to move the viewers soul. One day I will write a book on the art of creation because it cannot be summarized in one or two paragraphs. It is technical but also simple. It is more than just laying down a sketch or a painting. To me it is deep and has profound meaning. I combined digital technology with the emotionism-art works. The easy way to explain this process is that I felt it is necessary to add in digital technology into the art as this is a new digital age. The art should reflect this new age and therefore become digital enhanced art and reflect the time we are in right now making it different to 20th century contemporary art, indeed identifying the 21st century instead. This has made my work collectible. You can view emotionism-art works on the website. My works are advanced I have an ability to create 5 years ahead of the trend. The intention behind the collectors emotionism-art work was to create new art for a new time it was intended to be exhibited about 3 years from now. It was fate that lead me to exhibit at a local exhibition in June 2012 and since then the interest and demand for me to teach this art style has grown. The first emotionism-art session is in October 2012. The activities of the emotionism-art movement will be displayed in a forum where any artist can contribute to the movement and openly share and discuss ideas and exhibition dates. I have two gallery representatives, a local gallery and Artrepublic. The second gallery representative is waiting for any future opening and therefore be it next year or 10 years from now I have already agreed to have them as my second representative. Artrepublic represent Banksy and other known leading contemporary artists. It is an honor for me. The emotionism-art works have been open to the public online since august 27th 2012. The website has generated approx 1400+ hits in the first month being online. That indicates to me that there is a strong market for the works and I am sure collectors will start to purchase these works as time goes on. I am in growth still emerging.
Art for me is more than a creative process it is the essence of my heart and my soul. Please feel free to contact me if you would like for me to delve deeper into this subject. Thank you for allowing me to contribute to the debate.

Hannah Hardy

Hannah Hardy • Hello to you all! and thank you for involving me in this interesting discussion. It is fascinating to explore the creative mindset..
For me life is directed by an attitude and I see that my work as an artist is to direct that perception into the wonderful. Seeking out the beautiful in subtle places and transforming the tiresome into the fantastical

Philippa Sibert

Philippa Sibert • Creativity is an inescapeable force that’s effects all of creation. The artist job is to expose this force to the world in whatever way they choose. I live, eat, breathe making art. The older I get the more it effects every part of my life. My artwork, my relationships with nature, family and friends even down to making soup in my kitchen!
At times it is extremely hard to actually put into words what it does mean. I read somewhere once that ‘words are too thin to hold this complexity’. We live in a world of words and words have a beauty all of their own and can express feelings and emotions.
My work is about my relationship with the natural world and all these things provide stimulus, possibilities and endless ideas.
It’s good to share these things.
I live in a beautiful part of West Wales. Some of what I do and make is on my website.



Sunil Vilas • Good morning! Welcome to all new members joining us for the first time.., Cathy San Diego; Aom~J San Antonio; Norma Croydon UK; & Hannah Caen France.., exciting comments and views have been added to our debate, would someone like to add their feelings and viewpoints as we all question ourselves on the subject of creativity flowing through our Life!!!
Kindly take advantage of joining Globalization ICAS Facebook page, another way for members to share and view individual member’s art collection. Click link below:
simply click “LIKE” on top of the page add your image with Facebook link pages, or website and contact details.., limit to one entry per member!
Enjoy your day at the studio..,

Julie Askew

Julie Askew • Pure Creativity for me is when your mind is lost in your work and the hours pass without your knowlege – you have been someplace else. It is as Johnny says – instinct.
The rest is hard work!

Jan Aanstoot

Jan Aanstoot • The creativity of other people can be a source for creating new arts. For me the 14 aria’s of The Matthew Passion by J.S. Bach were a big source of inspiration. I painted the 14 peaces, 120 x 130 cm. each, within half a year. It was an amazing experience working all that time in a flow. Thank you Bach!!!

johnny johnston

johnny johnston • Creativity to me is elusive, fighting the idea of exposure and becoming unraveled allowing me the opportunity to see inside the walls which it conceals. And pushing hard to force creativity seems to always result in frustration and a lock-down like that of a young lover who seeks attention which when honored, turns and becomes disinterested and coy. Like a metronome, the energy of this sensation slowly winds down until the biorhythm that has taken me into this place of creativity fades, and I wait for its return..

anil kumar sinha

anil kumar sinha • Thanks Sunil ji.Namaskar.Happy to connect with you on linkedin.Art is not only for pleasure.We can use our power to serve the society.In India from gangotri to ganga sagar i am making video film,Taking photographs to paint the beauty of ganga & the ancietis cities on the bank of ganga like varanasi,allahabad,patna,buxar,mungher,haridwar & so many others.Without water our civilisation can not survive.our goal is to teach our younger generation to save & clene ganga.

John Adams

John Adams • Hello to you all. I have read a lot of the comments on creativity and art here. The one comment I relate to most it is from David Borrington.
I am an artist, and have been constantly appalled with the whole elitism and unfairness of the art establishment. From the start of our careers in art college artists art put at a disadvantage by the system of teaching. Most of the tutors are not practicing artists and have little skills or knowledge worth passing on to the students. Many students have their whole self esteem shattered by the cruel critical attitude of some of the tutors. When the artists start out on their careers, they face years of poverty and rejection and humiliation from galleries and people in power in the arts who seem to think they are above the creators making the art that keeps them in a job. It is the lucky few who get picked by the curators who succeed, how they get picked is a mystery to me, but in the current trends of art it seems to be more and more baffling how some of the art merits selection. There is so much art speak which has been cultivated by these curators that have become so detached from the artists and the art making process.
On the positive side, I have been a very sensitive person all my life, and found the constant rejection very hard to deal with, so I have worked myself to promote my own art, I have kept away from the art establishment and am lucky my paintings have been desired and purchased by many important collections in my home city of Cork. I can only dream of the day when my art will be accepted by the art establishment and to have curators working with me to help me forget about all the hard work it takes to promote myself, and just get on with the work that I should be doing which is painting. To be an artist is a lot more than just being creative. I find it hard to concentrate on painting much of the time as I have so much more to think about, just getting ahead being a full time artist. Creativity is a wonderful thing. Each and every one of us is born with our own talent for whatever we are good at. This I think is the meaning of life. We must follow our talent, otherwise we waste the reason we are here. I sometimes wish my talent was something else, something that is easy to make a living out of. I have tried to be a carpenter, theatre set painter, cook, bar manager, arts events organizer, radio presenter, so many things, but I always realized that my mail talent was painting and I must follow that path of creativity. It is not a great joy as so many seem to think, it is a long long hard slog, it can break people, their soul and spirit can snap at the pure hardship. It is such a shame there is not more appreciation for this struggle amongst the people running the arts, and the public at large. Having the talent and will to be a creative artistic person, is a great gift, but can be a heavy burden to many too.
It is a hard time these days this recession is making it impossible for artists to make a living.
John Adams



Sunil Vilas • Good morning welcome to all new members joining us for the first time.., Victoria – Bath UK; Julie – UK; Jan – Enshede, Netherland; Aom~J – San Antonio; Anil – Patna, India; John – Ireland; Antonio – Palemo, Italy; Uma – UK; Edgar – Austria; and Russell Teher Fine Art Dallas, USA. Thank you all for your valuable comments.., This is what Globalization ICAS at its best.., here for today and the future of Arts.., brings everyone together to openly share and discuss ideas that is close to everyone’s hearts.., Together we will be able to take Creativity to the next level.
Have a pleasant weekend being more creative and enjoy these moment !!!
Team Globalization ICAS Welcome your support by joining us also on our Facebook page, another way for members to share, exchange ideas and view individual member’s works. Click link below:

Benjamin Casiano

Benjamin Casiano • Art has been a journey of constant change. My perspective evolve emotionally and spiritually. I could not imagine my life without creating something from just a few jars of paint and a large canvas. It is a tranquility I have been unable to find anywhere else.

David Walker

David Walker • Thank you Sunil for the invitation to join the group. I think creativity can be effected immensely by what is going on around us, and this can influence the creative thoughts a great deal. This obviously changes and the restraints are on sometimes when producing a commissioned piece of work that has very specific requirements.

Renee Brown

Renee Brown • I am so humbled to be able to receive Splices of direction and insight as I flow thru the process of creativity.I have found stillness taps me into unchartered dimensions of reality.

Oliver Perry

Oliver Perry • Good day to you all. I’m new to the group so I’ll give you a little background then add my thoughts. I have spent an age exploring cubism and immersing myself in that way of thinking, this stems from a thesis I had to write at school and along with a little surrealism became all encompassing. However after many years and much debate I realised that I was answering a question that was 70 odd years old and I should probably do some thing a little more contemporary. So I have. You can see all of my work at The new pieces are under “contemporary thoughts” feel free to add any comments good or bad, I’ll make of it what I will.
Art should be the building blocks of life, certainly for the majority on this forum, it should flow through everything you see, touch, do. A good chef will tell you that half the battle is good presentation. Why waste time on poor design when a better more considered alternative is available, surround yourself with things of beauty, is life not to short for bad wine? We all see things differently, and that is the beauty of it, but what we must do is see, and I know to many people who go through life without looking, never stopping to smell the roses, always looking at the ground, never what is in front of them.
Art can be seen everywhere, not just on gallery wall’s and we should all embrace it. In American Beauty a plastic bag swirling in the wind took on a life of it’s own, but to some it would always be no more than littler, what I am saying is that there are ways of seeing, not just seeing.



Sunil Vilas • Good morning hope you all had a pleasant creative weekend!! ..,Welcome to all new members joining us for the first time.., Benjamin – New York; David – Milton Keynes UK; Godi – Brazil; Mathilda – Toulon, France; Sunflower gallery – Louisville, USA; David – Shrewsbury, UK; Chris – Sunderland, UK; Gallery Rene Brown – Buffalo, New York; and Oliver – Reading, UK. Thank you all for your lovely words to share with everyone live on a Monday morning start of an exciting week to look forward..,
Mantra for the week: Creativity is moment of Truth and a timeless beauty of Life..,
Globalization ICAS News:
Welcome your feedback!! to our new Facebook page open to all members to join. Click link below:

Ron Seivertson

Ron Seivertson • Wowowowowowowow… kudos chris blade… rockin pieces, rockin commission… if you ever need hot glass antlers, I can make them for you off hand. (gaffer studio batch, we can get crystal index silica) please see:
“bull elk bugling” by yours truly… ron

Leslie Parke

Leslie Parke • For some of us “creativity” is something we are born with, don’t know we have, and don’t know any other way to see the world. I wrote this piece about the moment this dawned on me:

Ron Seivertson

Ron Seivertson • beautiful leslie…

Roberto Tres

Roberto Tres • Thanks Sunil. I think creativity is a point at which all our previous observations come together and express themselves. There are thoughts and contextual links regardless of the ways in which we express ourselves. Like any creative thought requires energy is helpful to understand write notes on their work by analyzing the flows of ideas. Creativity has many connections with the experiences of our lives, changing the way we see things.

Nat Connacher

Nat Connacher • Creativity is about having the courage to step out of your ego and embrace exploration over expectation. And you do this by being in relationship with this simple idea: “I do not know”.
When you live this relationship, you will find your peace, your joy and your self.
And anyone can live this way!

johnny johnston

johnny johnston • Chris, not a glass guy but love the scotch. Beautiful work!

Shraddha Devangodi Dushyanth

Shraddha Devangodi Dushyanth • For me, Creativity & Life goes hand in hand ,whether life is giving a good experience or bad all is the outcome of our creativity i.e.the way we live life & the most important thing,MAN himself is a god’s great creation…….

Seema Maurya • Hi,everyone I am new in this group.i much inspaired for the nature,I think nature is the biggest teacher for everyone.The colours of nature shades,shapes and style give new lesson in every moment

johnny johnston

johnny johnston • Sunil, You do inspire and offer a window into the most difficult part of becoming successful which is the ability to place the artist with the lover of art and the artist with those of his own kind to offer inspiration and spirit. Many thanks my friend. JJ



Sunil Vilas • Good morning! hope you all having a creative week lots of exciting projects that we are completing and later share with the members, feel free to join us!! Welcome to all new members joining us for the first time.., Ron – Bali, Indonesia; Manuel – Lisbon, Portugal; Leslie – Glen Falls, New York; Roberto – Turin, Italy; Nat – New York; Carmen – Murcia, Spain; Shraddha – United Arab Emirates; M. Qamal – New Delhi, India; Gallery Michael – Zimbabwe; Gallery Rene – Paris, France; Hannah – Caen, France (congratulation on your award perhaps you would like share your excitement and progress with us after the show); Dima – Czech Republic and Aom ~J – San Antonio The pleasure is mine to meet so many creative minds wanting to part of a big community.., we got a long way to go but slowly we will end up at the same place together!!

majd patou fathallah

majd patou fathallah • Sunil, I think you have so many opinions on what art means to a ever growing variety of artists ..what can one add to this ever growing list ? 🙂 But since you have asked us all to say something here is my contribution :
Life is Art in all its forms, no matter what kind of art an artist chooses to manifests ..

Richard Straley

Richard Straley • In my reaction to landscape I am influenced by my Buddhist beliefs and the sense of time passing, seasons and the never ending stream of life and consciousness. This is what I would hope in some way to communicate through my work. After 30 years teaching art college with an increasing sense of frustration at the ‘factory’ attitude the system takes to education in the fine arts, well said David Borrington, I took premature retirement to concentrate on my work. I am not cutting edge or even contemporary, whatever that means. I’m 68 years old and I paint……

Christiane Behrmann

Christiane Behrmann • Listen to music when I work, painting and sculptures rhythm, not with poetry there I need silence. Love to dance when I do oil paintings on the easel. Not a musician but multi media artist and designer. Inspired by mysticism and nature.

Pamela Olin

Pamela Olin • Of course creativity flows through our lives! As artists how could it be otherwise? Hi all! I work with a variety of media, from websites to welding (yes, welding). I am inspired by the human form and it’s ability to communicate both intimately and on a large scale. I believe that the more things we do or try, the more we bring to everything we do. Continuing to learn and grow can only enable creativity to carve new pathways in our lives. Art is empowering to anyone open to it, even some who are not.
Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this group, exchanging ideas with others who value exploration, investigation and creation is delightful!

If you would like to participate in our topic kindly use the form below all comments will be reviewed by our panel..,  if accepted will  be included.

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Meeting of wonderful minds around the globe.., following the path of creativity..,

sharing of precious moments with one another..,

making new friendships and finding new ways of increasing our Creative Consciousness 

ALL material on this website is protected copyrights reserved by Globalization ICAS / Group Founder Sunil Vilas 

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